Spring Data Core

Package org.springframework.data.mapping

Base package for the mapping subsystem.


Interface Summary
AssociationHandler<P extends PersistentProperty<P>> Callback interface to implement functionality to be applied to a collection of Associations.
PersistentEntity<T,P extends PersistentProperty<P>> Represents a persistent entity.
PersistentProperty<P extends PersistentProperty<P>>  
PropertyHandler<P extends PersistentProperty<P>> Callback interface to do something with all plain PersistentProperty instances except associations and transient properties.

Class Summary
Association<P extends PersistentProperty<P>> Value object to capture Associations.
PreferredConstructor<T,P extends PersistentProperty<P>> Value object to encapsulate the constructor to be used when mapping persistent data to objects.
PreferredConstructor.Parameter<T,P extends PersistentProperty<P>> Value object to represent constructor parameters.
PropertyPath Abstraction of a PropertyPath of a domain class.

Exception Summary
PropertyReferenceException Exception being thrown when creating PropertyPath instances.

Package org.springframework.data.mapping Description

Base package for the mapping subsystem.

Spring Data Core

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