Spring Data Core

Package org.springframework.data.repository.query

Support classes to work with query methods.


Interface Summary
ParameterAccessor Interface to access method parameters.
QueryLookupStrategy Strategy interface for which way to lookup RepositoryQuerys.
RepositoryQuery Interface for a query abstraction.

Class Summary
DefaultParameters Default implementation of Parameters.
Parameter Class to abstract a single parameter of a query method.
Parameters<S extends Parameters<S,T>,T extends Parameter> Abstracts method parameters that have to be bound to query parameters or applied to the query independently.
ParametersParameterAccessor ParameterAccessor implementation using a Parameters instance to find special parameters.
QueryMethod Abstraction of a method that is designated to execute a finder query.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
ParameterOutOfBoundsException Exception to be thrown when trying to access a Parameter with an invalid index inside a Parameters instance.
QueryCreationException Exception to be thrown if a query cannot be created from a QueryMethod.

Annotation Types Summary
Param Annotation to bind let method parameters be bound to a query via a named parameter.

Package org.springframework.data.repository.query Description

Support classes to work with query methods.

Spring Data Core

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