public class QuerydslBindings.PathBinder<P extends com.querydsl.core.types.Path<? extends T>,T> extends Object
s.Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
all(MultiValueBinding<P,T> binding)
Defines the given
MultiValueBinding to be used for the paths. |
void |
first(SingleValueBinding<P,T> binding) |
void |
firstOptional(OptionalValueBinding<P,T> binding)
Defines the given
SingleValueBinding to be used for the paths. |
protected void |
registerBinding(<P,T> binding) |
public void firstOptional(OptionalValueBinding<P,T> binding)
to be used for the paths.binding
- must not be null.public void first(SingleValueBinding<P,T> binding)
public void all(MultiValueBinding<P,T> binding)
to be used for the paths.binding
- must not be null.protected void registerBinding(<P,T> binding)
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