Spring Data Commons

Package org.springframework.data.mapping.model

Interface Summary
MappingContext<E extends PersistentEntity<?,P>,P extends PersistentProperty<P>> This interface defines the overall context including all known PersistentEntity instances and methods to obtain instances on demand

This interface is used internally to establish associations between entities and also at runtime to obtain entities by name

The generic type parameters T & R are used to specify the mapped form of a class (example Table) and property (example Column) respectively.

ParameterValueProvider Callback interface to lookup values for a given PreferredConstructor.Parameter.
PersistentEntity<T,P extends PersistentProperty<P>> Represents a persistent entity
PersistentProperty<P extends PersistentProperty<P>>  

Class Summary
Association<P extends PersistentProperty<P>>  
PreferredConstructor<T> Value object to encapsulate the constructor to be used when mapping persistent data to objects.
PreferredConstructor.Parameter<T> Value object to represent constructor parameters.
SpELAwareParameterValueProvider ParameterValueProvider implementation that evaluates the PreferredConstructor.Parameters key against SpelExpressionParser and EvaluationContext.

Exception Summary
IllegalMappingException Thrown when an error occurs reading the mapping between object and datastore

Spring Data Commons

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