Interface MongoReader<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the object to convert from a DBObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
MongoConverter, MongoReaderWriter<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
MappingMongoConverter, SimpleMongoConverter

public interface MongoReader<T>

A MongoWriter is responsible for converting a native MongoDB DBObject to an object of type T.

Mark Pollack, Thomas Risberg, Oliver Gierke

Method Summary
<S extends T>
read(java.lang.Class<S> clazz, DBObject dbo)
          Ready from the native MongoDB DBObject representation to an instance of the class T.

Method Detail


<S extends T> S read(java.lang.Class<S> clazz,
                     DBObject dbo)
Ready from the native MongoDB DBObject representation to an instance of the class T. The given type has to be the starting point for marshalling the DBObject into it. So in case there's no real valid data inside DBObject for the given type, just return an empty instance of the given type.

clazz - the type of the return value
dbo - theDBObject
the converted object