Spring Data Key-Value

Package org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.connection

Connection package providing low-level abstractions for interacting with the various Redis 'drivers'/libraries.


Interface Summary
Message Class encapsulating a Redis message body and its properties.
MessageListener Listener of messages published in Redis.
RedisCommands Interface for the commands supported by Redis.
RedisConnection A connection to a Redis server.
RedisConnectionFactory Thread-safe factory of Redis connections.
RedisHashCommands Hash-specific commands supported by Redis.
RedisListCommands List-specific commands supported by Redis.
RedisPubSubCommands PubSub-specific Redis commands.
RedisServerCommands Server-specific commands supported by Redis.
RedisSetCommands Set-specific commands supported by Redis.
RedisStringCommands String/Value-specific commands supported by Redis.
RedisTxCommands Transaction/Batch specific commands supported by Redis.
RedisZSetCommands ZSet(SortedSet)-specific commands supported by Redis.
RedisZSetCommands.Tuple ZSet tuple.
SortParameters Entity containing the parameters for the SORT operation.
StringRedisConnection Convenience extension of RedisConnection that accepts and returns Strings instead of byte arrays.
StringRedisConnection.StringTuple String-friendly ZSet tuple.
Subscription Subscription for Redis channels.

Class Summary
DefaultMessage Default message implementation.
DefaultSortParameters Default implementation for SortParameters.
DefaultStringRedisConnection Default implementation of StringRedisConnection.
DefaultStringTuple Default implementation for StringRedisConnection.StringTuple interface.
DefaultTuple Default implementation for RedisZSetCommands.Tuple interface.
SortParameters.Range Utility class wrapping the 'LIMIT' setting.

Enum Summary
DataType Enumeration of the Redis data types.
RedisListCommands.Position List insertion position.
RedisZSetCommands.Aggregate Sort aggregation operations.
SortParameters.Order Sorting order.

Package org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.connection Description

Connection package providing low-level abstractions for interacting with the various Redis 'drivers'/libraries.

Performs exception translation between the underlying library exceptions to Spring's DAO hierarchy.

Spring Data Key-Value

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