Spring Data Key-Value

Uses of Interface

Packages that use KeyBound
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.core Core package for integrating Redis with Spring concepts. 
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.support.atomic Small toolkit mirroring the java.util.atomic package in Redis. 
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.support.collections Package providing implementations for most of the java.util collections on top of Redis. 

Uses of KeyBound in org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.core

Subinterfaces of KeyBound in org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.core
 interface BoundHashOperations<H,HK,HV>
          Hash operations bound to a certain key.
 interface BoundListOperations<K,V>
          List operations bound to a certain key.
 interface BoundSetOperations<K,V>
          Set operations bound to a certain key.
 interface BoundValueOperations<K,V>
          Value (or String in Redis terminology) operations bound to a certain key.
 interface BoundZSetOperations<K,V>
          ZSet (or SortedSet) operations bound to a certain key.

Uses of KeyBound in org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.support.atomic

Classes in org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.support.atomic that implement KeyBound
 class RedisAtomicInteger
          Atomic integer backed by Redis.
 class RedisAtomicLong
          Atomic long backed by Redis.

Uses of KeyBound in org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.support.collections

Subinterfaces of KeyBound in org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.support.collections
 interface RedisCollection<E>
          Redis extension for the Collection contract.
 interface RedisList<E>
          Redis extension for the List contract.
 interface RedisMap<K,V>
          Map view of a Redis hash.
 interface RedisSet<E>
          Redis extension for the Set contract.
 interface RedisStore
          Basic interface for Redis-based collections.
 interface RedisZSet<E>
          Redis ZSet (or sorted set (by weight)).

Classes in org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.support.collections that implement KeyBound
 class AbstractRedisCollection<E>
          Base implementation for RedisCollection.
 class DefaultRedisList<E>
          Default implementation for RedisList.
 class DefaultRedisMap<K,V>
          Default implementation for RedisMap.
 class DefaultRedisSet<E>
          Default implementation for RedisSet.
 class DefaultRedisZSet<E>
          Default implementation for RedisZSet.

Spring Data Key-Value

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