Spring Data Key-Value

Package org.springframework.data.keyvalue.riak.mapreduce

Interface Summary
AsyncMapReduceOperations Generic interface to Map/Reduce in data stores that support it.
MapReduceJob<T> A generic interface to representing a Map/Reduce job to a data store that supports that operation.
MapReduceOperation A generic interface to a Map/Reduce operation.
MapReduceOperations Generic interface to Map/Reduce in data stores that support it.
MapReducePhase A generic interface to the phases of Map/Reduce jobs.

Class Summary
AbstractRiakMapReduceJob An implementation of MapReduceJob for the Riak data store.
AsyncRiakMapReduceJob An implementation of MapReduceJob for the Riak data store.
ErlangMapReduceOperation An implementation of MapReduceOperation to represent an Erlang M/R function, which must be already defined inside the Riak server.
JavascriptMapReduceOperation An implementation of MapReduceOperation to describe a Javascript language M/R function.
RiakMapReduceJob An implementation of MapReduceJob for the Riak data store.
RiakMapReducePhase An implementation of MapReducePhase for the Riak data store.

Enum Summary

Spring Data Key-Value

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