Spring Data Key-Value

Package org.springframework.data.keyvalue.riak.core

Interface Summary
AsyncBucketKeyValueStoreOperations An asynchronous version of BucketKeyValueStoreOperations.
BucketKeyPair<B,K> A generic interface for representing composite keys in data stores that use a bucket and key pair.
BucketKeyResolver A generic interface to a resolver to turn a single object into a BucketKeyPair.
KeyValueStoreMetaData A generic interface to MetaData provided by Key/Value data stores.
KeyValueStoreOperations Generic abstraction for Key/Value stores.
KeyValueStoreValue<T> A generic interface for dealing with values and their store metadata.
QosParameters Specify Quality Of Service parameters.

Class Summary
AbstractRiakTemplate Base class for RiakTemplates that defines basic behaviour common to both kinds of templates (Key/Value and Bucket/Key/Value).
AsyncRiakTemplate An implementation of AsyncBucketKeyValueStoreOperations and AsyncMapReduceOperations for the Riak datastore.
RiakKeyValueTemplate An implementation of KeyValueStoreOperations and MapReduceOperations for the Riak data store.
RiakMetaData An implementation of KeyValueStoreMetaData for Riak.
RiakQosParameters A generic class for specifying Quality Of Service parameters on operations.
RiakTemplate An implementation of BucketKeyValueStoreOperations and MapReduceOperations for the Riak data store.

Spring Data Key-Value

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