Spring Data Document

Uses of Class

Packages that use Point
org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query MongoDB specific query and update support. 

Uses of Point in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.geo

Methods in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.geo that return Point
 Point Circle.getCenter()
          Returns the center of the Circle.
 Point Box.getLowerLeft()
 Point Box.getUpperRight()

Methods in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.geo that return types with arguments of type Point
 Iterator<Point> Polygon.iterator()

Constructors in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.geo with parameters of type Point
Box(Point lowerLeft, Point upperRight)
Circle(Point center, double radius)
          Creates a new Circle from the given Point and radius.
Point(Point point)
Polygon(Point x, Point y, Point z, Point... others)
          Creates a new Polygon for the given Points.
Polygon(Point x, Point y, Point z, Point... others)
          Creates a new Polygon for the given Points.

Uses of Point in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query

Methods in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query with parameters of type Point
static NearQuery NearQuery.near(Point point)
          Creates a new NearQuery starting at the given Point.
 Criteria Criteria.near(Point point)
          Creates a geospatial criterion using a $near operation
static NearQuery NearQuery.near(Point point, Metric metric)
          Creates a NearQuery starting near the given Point using the given Metric to adapt given values to further configuration.
 Criteria Criteria.nearSphere(Point point)
          Creates a geospatial criterion using a $nearSphere operation.

Uses of Point in org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.query

Methods in org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.query that return Point
 Point MongoParametersParameterAccessor.getGeoNearLocation()
 Point MongoParameterAccessor.getGeoNearLocation()
          Returns the Point to use for a geo-near query.
 Point ConvertingParameterAccessor.getGeoNearLocation()

Spring Data Document

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