Interface DatabaseSelectionProvider

Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@API(status=STABLE, since="6.0") @FunctionalInterface public interface DatabaseSelectionProvider
A provider interface that knows in which database repositories or either the reactive or imperative template should work.

An instance of a database name provider is only relevant when SDN is used with a Neo4j 4.0+ cluster or server.

To select the default database, return an empty optional. If you return a database name, it must not be empty. The empty optional indicates an unset database name on the client, so that the server can decide on the default to use.

The provider is asked before any interaction of a repository or template with the cluster or server. That means you can in theory return different database names for each interaction. Be aware that you might end up with no data on queries or data stored to wrong database if you don't pay meticulously attention to the database you interact with.

Michael J. Simons
  • Method Details

    • getDatabaseSelection

      DatabaseSelection getDatabaseSelection()
      The selected database me to interact with. Use DatabaseSelection.undecided() to indicate the default database.
    • createStaticDatabaseSelectionProvider

      static DatabaseSelectionProvider createStaticDatabaseSelectionProvider(String databaseName)
      Creates a statically configured database selection provider always selecting the database with the given name databaseName.
      databaseName - The database name to use, must not be null nor empty.
      A statically configured database name provider.
    • getDefaultSelectionProvider

      static DatabaseSelectionProvider getDefaultSelectionProvider()
      A database selection provider always returning the default selection.
      A provider for the default database name.