Connection package providing low-level abstractions for interacting with the various Redis 'drivers'/libraries.
Performs exception translation between the underlying library exceptions to Spring's DAO hierarchy.
ClassDescriptionThe actual
command representation holding severalBitFieldSubCommands.BitFieldSubCommand
s to execute.TheGET
sub command used withBitFieldSubCommands
sub command used withBitFieldSubCommands
sub command used withBitFieldSubCommands
.Sub command to be used as part ofBitFieldSubCommands
.The actual Redis bitfield type representation for signed and unsigned integers used withBitFieldSubCommands.BitFieldSubCommand
.Offset used inside aBitFieldSubCommands.BitFieldSubCommand
.Exception thrown when at least one call to a clustered redis environment fails.ClusterCommandExecutor
takes care of running commands across the known cluster nodes.Callback interface for Redis 'low level' code using the cluster client directly.Callback interface for Redis 'low level' code using the cluster client to execute multi key commands.ClusterCommandExecutor.MultiNodeResult
holds allClusterCommandExecutor.NodeResult
of a command executed on multipleRedisClusterNode
encapsulates the actual value returned by aClusterCommandExecutor.ClusterCommandCallback
on a givenRedisClusterNode
gives access to cluster information such ascluster_state
provided by theCLUSTER INFO
provides access to low level client api to directly execute operations against a Redis instance.Utility class encapsulating functionality commonly used for cluster slot hashing.ClusterTopology
holds snapshot like information aboutRedisClusterNode
manages the current cluster topology and makes sure to refresh cluster information.Utilities for examining aRedisConnection
Enumeration of the Redis data types.Specifies that the connection decorates anotherRedisConnection
.Deprecated.Deprecated.Default message implementation.Default implementation forSortParameters
.Default implementation ofStringRedisConnection
.Default implementation forStringRedisConnection.StringTuple
interface.FutureResult<T>The result of an asynchronous operationClass encapsulating a Redis message body and its properties.Listener of messages published in Redis.Exception thrown when there are issues with a resource poolInterface for the cluster commands supported by Redis executed using reactive infrastructure.Redis Server commands executed in cluster environment using reactive infrastructure.Redis Geo commands executed using reactive infrastructure.GEOADD
command parameters.GEODIST
command parameters.GEOHASH
command parameters.GEOPOS
command parameters.GEORADIUSBYMEMBER
command parameters.GEORADIUS
command parameters.GEOSEARCH
command parameters.GEOSEARCHSTORE
command parameters.Redis Hash commands executed using reactive infrastructure.HEXISTSReactiveRedisConnection.Command
.Redis HyperLogLog commands executed using reactive infrastructure.PFADD
command parameters.PFCOUNT
command parameters.PFMERGE
command parameters.Redis Key commands executed using reactive infrastructure.MOVE
command parameters.EXPIREAT
command parameters.EXPIRE
command parameters.MOVE
command parameters.RENAME
command parameters.Redis List commands executed using reactive infrastructure.BLMOVE
command parameters.BRPOPLPUSH
command parameters.LINDEX
command parameters.LINSERT
command parameters.LMOVE
command parameters.LPOS
command parameters.LREM
command parameters.LSET
command parameters.LPOP
/RPOP command parameters.LPUSH
/RPUSH command parameters.RPOPLPUSH
command parameters.Redis numeric commands executed using reactive infrastructure.ReactiveNumberCommands.DecrByCommand<T extends Number>DECRBY
command parameters.ReactiveNumberCommands.HIncrByCommand<T extends Number>HINCRBY
command parameters.ReactiveNumberCommands.IncrByCommand<T extends Number>INCRBY
command parameters.Redis Pub/Sub commands executed using reactive infrastructure.Redis connection using reactive infrastructure declaring entry points for reactive command execution.ReactiveRedisConnection.CommandResponse
implementation forByteBuffer
responses for absent keys.ReactiveRedisConnection.CommandResponse
implementation forBoolean
implementation forByteBuffer
responses.Base interface for Redis commands executed with a reactive infrastructure.Base class for command responses.ReactiveRedisConnection.Command
for key-bound operations.ReactiveRedisConnection.CommandResponse
implementation forList
responses.ReactiveRedisConnection.NumericResponse<I,O extends Number> ReactiveRedisConnection.CommandResponse
implementation fornumeric
responses.Thread-safe factory of reactive Redis connections.Redis Scripting commands executed using reactive infrastructure.Redis Server commands executed using reactive infrastructure.Redis Set commands executed using reactive infrastructure.SADD
command parameters.SDIFF
command parameters.SDIFFSTORE
command parameters.SINTER
command parameters.SINTERSTORE
command parameters.SISMEMBER
command parameters.SMISMEMBER
command parameters.SMOVE
command parameters.SPOP
command parameters.SRANDMEMBER
command parameters.SREM
command parameters.SUNION
command parameters.SUNIONSTORE
command parameters.Stream-specific Redis commands executed using reactive infrastructure.XACK
command parameters.XADD
command parameters.XDEL
command parameters.Value Object holding parameters for obtaining pending messages.XRANGE
command parameters.XRANGE
command parameters.XTRIM
command parameters.XCLAIM
command parameters.Redis String commands executed using reactive infrastructure.APPEND
command parameters.BITCOUNT
command parameters.BITFIELD
command parameters.BITOP
command parameters.GETBIT
command parameters.ReactiveRedisConnection.Command
command parameters.SETBIT
command parameters.SET
command parameters.SETRANGE
command parameters.Subscription for Redis channels using reactive infrastructure.Value object for a Redis channel message.ReactiveSubscription.Message
represents a Redis channel message within Redis pub/sub.Value object for a Redis channel message received from a pattern subscription.Redis Sorted Set commands executed using reactive infrastructure.BZPOPMIN
/BZPOPMAX command parameters.ZADD
command parameters.ZINTER
command parameters.ZINTERSTORE
command parameters.ZCOUNT
command parameters.ZDIFF
command parameters.ZDIFFSTORE
command parameters.ZINCRBY
command parameters.ZINTERSTORE
command parameters.ZLEXCOUNT
command parameters.ZMSCORE
command parameters.ZPOPMIN
/ZPOPMAX command parameters.ZRANDMEMBER
command parameters.ZRANGEBYLEX
/ZREVRANGE command parameters.ZRANGESTORE
command parameters.ZRANK
/ZREVRANK command parameters.ZREM
command parameters.ZREMRANGEBYLEX
command parameters.ZREMRANGEBYRANK
command parameters.ZREMRANGEBYSCORE
command parameters.ZSCORE
command parameters.ZUNIONSTORE
command parameters.Interface for the cluster commands supported by Redis.Provides access toRedisClusterCommands
and the segregated command interfaces.Configuration class used to set up aRedisConnection
for connecting to Redis Cluster.RedisClusterConnection
allows sending commands to dedicated nodes within the cluster.Representation of a Redis server within the cluster.Builder for creating newRedisClusterNode
.Interface defining the commands supported by Redis.Provides access toRedisCommands
and the segregated command interfaces.Marker interface for configuration classes related to Redis connection setup.Configuration interface suitable for Redis cluster environments.Configuration interface suitable for single node redis connections using local unix domain socket.Configuration interface suitable for Redis Sentinel environments.Configuration interface suitable for Redis master/replica environments with fixed hosts.RedisConfiguration
part suitable for configurations that may use authentication when connecting.RedisConfiguration
part suitable for configurations that use a specific database.RedisConfiguration
part suitable for configurations that use native domain sockets for connecting.RedisConfiguration
part suitable for configurations that use host/port combinations for connecting.RedisConfiguration
part suitable for configurations that may use authentication when connecting.A connection to a Redis server.Connection-specific commands supported by Redis.Thread-safe factory of Redis connections.Geo-specific Redis commands.Metric
s supported by Redis.Arguments to be used withRedisGeoCommands
.A flag to be used.RedisGeoCommands.GeoLocation
representing aPoint
associated with a name.Additional arguments (like count/sort/...) to be used withRedisGeoCommands
.Additional arguments (like count/sort/...) to be used withRedisGeoCommands
.Additional arguments (like count/sort/...) to be used withRedisGeoCommands
.Hash-specific commands supported by Redis.HyperLogLog specific commands supported by Redis.Exception thrown when subscribing to an expired/deadSubscription
.Key-specific commands supported by Redis.List-specific commands supported by Redis.List move direction.List insertion position.Builder for creating newRedisNode
.Value object which may or may not contain a Redis password.Exception thrown when executing/closing a pipeline that contains one or multiple invalid/incorrect statements.PubSub-specific Redis commands.Scripting commands.Redis Sentinel-specific commands.Configuration class used to set up aRedisConnection
for connecting to Redis Sentinel(s).Server-specific commands supported by Redis.Set-specific commands supported by Redis.Configuration class used for setting upRedisConnection
connecting to single Redis using a local unix domain socket.Configuration class used to set up aRedisConnection
for connecting to a single node Redis instance.Configuration class used for setting upRedisConnection
using the provided Master / Replica configuration to nodes know to not change address.Stream-specific Redis commands.Additional options applicable for XADD command.Value Object holding parameters for obtaining pending messages.String/Value-specific commands supported by Redis.SET
command arguments forNX
.Exception thrown when issuing commands on a connection that is subscribed and waiting for events.Transaction/Batch specific commands supported by Redis.ZSet(SortedSet)-specific commands supported by Redis.Deprecated.Deprecated.since 3.0, useRange
specific arguments.Represents a data type returned from Redis, currently used to denote the expected return type of Redis scripting commandsEntity containing the parameters for the SORT operation.Sorting order.Utility class wrapping the 'LIMIT' setting.Convenience extension ofRedisConnection
that accepts and returnsString
s instead of byte arrays.String-friendly ZSet tuple.Subscription for Redis channels.Listener for subscription notifications.ValueEncoding
is used for the Redis internal data representation used in order to store the value associated with a key.DefaultValueEncoding
implementation of encodings used in Redis.