All Classes and Interfaces

This class contains methods that are common to different implementations of the ElasticsearchOperations interface that use different clients, like the different Java clients from Elasticsearch or some external implementation that might use a different client.
Base class keeping common code for implementations of the ReactiveElasticsearchOperations interface independent of the used client.
Callback to convert Document into an entity of type T
Value class to capture client independent information from a response to an index request.
Callback to convert a SearchDocument into different other classes
Class corresponding to the Elasticsearch class, but in the package
Callback being invoked after a domain object is materialized from a Document when reading results.
Callback being invoked after a Document is read from Elasticsearch and before it is converted into a domain object.
Entity callback triggered after save of an entity.
Class to combine an Elasticsearch Aggregate with its name.
Aggregation container used in the Spring Data Elasticsearch API for a single aggregation.
Aggregations container used in the Spring Data Elasticsearch API.
A single action to be contained in AliasActions.
AliasAction to add an alias.
AliasAction to remove an alias.
AliasAction to remove an index.
Value class capturing the arguments for an AliasAction.
Class to define to actions to execute in alias management functions.
value object to describe alias information.
EntityCallback to populate auditing related fields on an entity about to be saved.
Extension of the ElasticsearchClient class that implements AutoCloseable.
base class for query builders.
Callback being invoked before a domain object is converted to be persisted.
Details about a document saving failure.
Builder for BulkOptions.
Response of an update by query operation.
ChildTemplate<T extends co.elastic.clients.transport.Transport,CLIENT extends co.elastic.clients.ApiClient<T,CLIENT>>
base class for a template that uses one of the ElasticsearchClient's child clients like ElasticsearchClusterClient or ElasticsearchIndicesClient.
Callback interface to be used with ChildTemplate.execute(ClientCallback) for operating directly on the client.
Configuration interface exposing common client configuration properties for Elasticsearch clients.
Callback to be executed to configure a client.
Information about the cluster health.
Elasticsearch operations on cluster level.
Implementation of the ClusterOperations interface using en ElasticsearchClusterClient.
Based on the reference doc -
Based on reference doc -
Based on reference doc -
Based on the reference doc -
A component template to be used in a component template request.
Alias for a @Query annotation with the count parameter set to true.
Criteria is the central class when constructing queries.
a list of Criteria objects that belong to one query.
A class defining a single operation and it's argument value for the field of a Criteria.
Operator to join the entries of the criteria chain
Interface to convert from and to TemporalAccessors.
Elasticsearch specific TypeMapper implementation.
TypeAliasAccessor to store aliases in a Map.
Default implementation of the RoutingResolver interface.
Identifies a domain object to be persisted to Elasticsearch.
A representation of a Elasticsearch document as extended Map.
The operations for the Elasticsearch Document APIs.
Record defining a docvalue_field to be used in a query.
Values for the dynamic mapping parameter.
Elasticsearch dynamic templates mapping.
AggregationContainer for a Aggregation that holds Elasticsearch data.
AggregationsContainer implementation for the Elasticsearch aggregations.
BeanDefinitionParser to register a AuditingEntityCallback to transparently set auditing information on an entity.
runtime hints for the Elasticsearch client libraries, as these do not provide any of their own.
Utility class to create the different Elasticsearch clients
ClientConfiguration.ClientConfigurationCallback to configure the Elasticsearch RestClient's Http client with a HttpAsyncClientBuilder
ClientConfiguration.ClientConfigurationCallback to configure the RestClient client with a RestClientBuilder
Convert a collection into string for value part of the elasticsearch query.
Base class for a @Configuration class to set up the Elasticsearch connection using the Elasticsearch Client.
Elasticsearch specific CustomConversions.
Provides Converter instances to convert to and from Dates in the different date and time formats that elasticsearch understands.
Object describing an Elasticsearch error
Simple PersistenceExceptionTranslator for Elasticsearch.
Value Object containing information about Elasticsearch cluster nodes.
when building CriteriaQueries use the name; the fieldname is set later with ElasticsearchConverter.
A ConversionService using custom converters to handle query values in elasticsearch query.
Uses CdiRepositoryBean to create ElasticsearchRepository instances.
RepositoryConfigurationExtension implementation to configure Elasticsearch repository configuration support, evaluating the EnableElasticsearchRepositories annotation or the equivalent XML element.
CDI extension to export Elasticsearch repositories.
Factory to create ElasticsearchRepository
Spring FactoryBean implementation to ease container based configuration for XML namespace and JavaConfig.
Utility to define simple types understood by Spring Data Elasticsearch and the Elasticsearch client.
Values in elasticsearch query may contain quotations and should be escaped when converting.
Implementation of ElasticsearchOperations using the new Elasticsearch client.
Callback interface to be used with ElasticsearchTemplate.execute(ElasticsearchTemplate.ClientCallback) for operating directly on the ElasticsearchClient.
Elasticsearch specific TypeMapper definition.
Annotation to enable auditing in Elasticsearch via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable Elasticsearch repositories.
Annotation to enable auditing in Elasticsearch using reactive infrastructure via annotation configuration.
Annotation to activate reactive Elasticsearch repositories.
A Map<String,Object> to represent any entity as it's returned from Elasticsearch and before it is converted to a Document.
Common operations performed on an entity in the context of it's mapping metadata.
Information and commands on an entity.
class that holds explanations returned from an Elasticsearch search.
SourceFilter implementation for providing includes and excludes.
SourceFilter builder for providing includes and excludes.
Defines a Field that can be used within a Criteria.
Geo bbox used for #Criteria.
Set of converters specific to Elasticsearch Geo types.
Converter to write a GeoPoint to Map using lat/long properties.
Converter to read a Point from Map using lat/long properties.
Converter to write a Point to Map using lat/long properties.
Sort.Order derived class to be able to define a _geo_distance order for a search.
GeoJson<T extends Iterable<?>>
Interface definition for structures defined in GeoJSON format. copied from Spring Data Mongodb
Defines a GeoJsonGeometryCollection that consists of a List of GeoJson objects.
Copied from Spring Data Mongodb
GeoJsonLineString is defined as list of Points.
Copied from Spring Data Mongodb
GeoJsonMultiPoint is defined as list of Points.
Copied from Spring Data Mongodb
GeoJsonMultiPolygon is defined as a list of GeoJsonPolygons.
Copied fro Spring Data Mongodb.
GeoJson representation of Point.
Copied from Spring Data Mongodb, not derived from Point as this conflicts with the already existing converter for Point in GeoConverters.
GeoJson representation of a polygon.
geo-location used for #Criteria.
Convert Highlight to Highlight.
Combines a Highlight definition with the type of the entity where it's present on a method.
A simple class implementing HTTP headers as a MultiValueMap.
Defines a IndexBoost to be applied on the "indices_boost" query clause
Immutable Value object encapsulating index name(s) and index type(s).
Annotation to mark a String property of an entity to be filled with the name of the index where the entity was stored after it is indexed into Elasticsearch.
Value class capturing information about a newly indexed document in Elasticsearch.
Immutable object that holds information(name, settings, mappings, aliases) about an Index
The operations for the Elasticsearch Index APIs.
Adapter for creating synchronous calls for a reactive ReactiveIndexOperations.
OpType for the index operation.
IndexQuery Builder
Class mirroring the IndicesOptions from Elasticsearch in Spring Data Elasticsearch API.
Implementation of the IndexOperations interface using en ElasticsearchIndicesClient.
Utility to parse endpoints in host:port format into InetSocketAddress.
Elasticsearch Mapping
Defines a field alias in the index mapping.
Elasticsearch specific EntityConverter implementation based on domain type metadata.
Elasticsearch specific implementation of AbstractEntityInformation
A class to hold the mapping parameters that might be set on Field or InnerField annotation.
Response object for items returned from multiget requests, encapsulating the returned data and potential error information.
A Query implementation using query builders from the new Elasticsearch Client library.
meta data returned for nested inner hits.
RuntimeException to be emitted / thrown when the cluster is down (aka none of the known nodes is reachable).
Extends the Sort.Order with properties that can be set on Elasticsearch order options.
Simple helper to be able to wire the PersistentEntities from a MappingElasticsearchConverter bean available in the application context.
Interface defining methods to convert the value of an entity-property to a value in Elasticsearch and back.
Request to create an index template.
Utility class simplifying the creation of some more complex queries and type.
Value class combining an id with a routing value.
Desscribes the point in time parameters for a query
To evaluate the SpEL expressions of the query string.
Callback being invoked after a domain object is materialized from a Document when reading results.
Callback being invoked after a Document is read from Elasticsearch and before it is converted into a domain object.
Entity callback triggered after save of an entity.
EntityCallback to populate auditing related fields on an entity about to be saved.
Callback being invoked before a domain object is converted to be persisted.
ReactiveChildTemplate<T extends co.elastic.clients.transport.Transport,CLIENT extends co.elastic.clients.ApiClient<T,CLIENT>>
base class for a reactive template that uses on of the ReactiveElasticsearchClient's child clients.
ReactiveChildTemplate.ClientCallback<CLIENT,RESULT extends org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?>>
Callback interface to be used with ReactiveChildTemplate.execute(ClientCallback) for operating directly on the client.
Reactive Elasticsearch operations on cluster level.
The reactive operations for the Elasticsearch Document APIs.
Reactive version of ElasticsearchClient.
Reactive version of the ElasticsearchClusterClient
Base class for a @Configuration class to set up the Elasticsearch connection using the ReactiveElasticsearchClient.
Reactive version of the ElasticsearchIndicesClient
Interface that specifies a basic set of Elasticsearch operations executed in a reactive way.
A Converter to post-process all source objects using the given ResultProcessor.
An ReactiveElasticsearchQueryExecution that wraps the results of the given delegate with the given result processing.
Elasticsearch specific Repository interface with reactive support.
Factory to create ReactiveElasticsearchRepository instances.
Implementation of ReactiveElasticsearchOperations using the new Elasticsearch client.
ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate.ClientCallback<T extends org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?>>
Callback interface to be used with {@link #execute(ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate.ClientCallback<>)} for operating directly on ReactiveElasticsearchClient.
Interface defining operations on indexes for the reactive stack.
Subclass of MappingBuilder with specialized methods To inhibit blocking calls
Utility to reactively read Resources.
This interfaces defines the operations to access the Elasticsearch script API.
Encapsulates a Flux of SearchHits with additional information from the search.
The reactive operations for the Elasticsearch Document APIs.
Enum defining the refresh policy.
Request to reindex some documents from one index to another.
Response of reindex request.
Remote info (@see
Implementation of RescorerQuery to be used for rescoring filtered search results.
Utility to read Resources.
Exception class for REST status exceptions independent from the used client/backend.
Annotation to enable custom routing values for an entity.
Defines a runtime field to be added to a Query
value class combining script information.
Marks a property to be populated with the result of a scripted field retrieved from an Elasticsearch response.
Class defining a scripted field to be used in a Query.
This interfaces defines the operations to access the Elasticsearch script API.
Define script types for update queries.
Mutable state object holding scrollId to be used for scroll requests.
Extension to Document exposing search response related data.
SearchDocument implementation using a Document delegate.
This represents the complete search response from Elasticsearch, including the returned documents.
A function to convert a SearchDocument async into an entity.
Encapsulates the found data with additional information from the search.
Encapsulates a list of SearchHits with additional information from the search.
Basic implementation of SearchScrollHits
A SearchHitsIterator encapsulates SearchHit results that can be wrapped in a Java 8 Stream.
Utility class with helper methods for working with SearchHit.
The operations for the Elasticsearch Document APIs.
Page definition for repositories that need to return a paged SearchHits.
This interface is used to expose the current scrollId from the underlying scroll context.
A container for seq_no and primary_term values.
Elasticsearch Setting
class defining the settings for an index.
Elasticsearch specific PersistentEntity implementation holding
Configuration settings passed in from the creating SimpleElasticsearchMappingContext.
Elasticsearch specific PersistentProperty implementation processing
Elasticsearch specific repository implementation.
The most trivial implementation of a Field.
SourceFilter for providing includes and excludes.
This annotation can be placed on repository methods to define the properties that should be requested from Elasticsearch when the method is run.
Defines an interface for a Map<String, Object> with additional convenience methods.
Class structure mirroring the Elasticsearch classes for a suggest response.
Data returned for template information retrieval.
Enum to represent the relation that Elasticsearch returns for the totalHits value
Exception to be thrown by a backend implementation on operations that are not supported for that backend.
Defines an update request.
Response data from an update request (UpdateQuery).
Annotation to put on a property of an entity to define a value converter which can convert the property to a type that Elasticsearch understands and back.
A version defined by 3 parts: major minor and revision number.
Exception that is thrown when a version conflict from the server is detected.
This class is used to log the versions of Spring Data Elasticsearch, the Elasticsearch client libs used to built, the Elasticsearch client libs currently used and of the Elasticsearch cluster.
Annotation to mark a property that will be written to Elasticsearch, but not set when reading from Elasticsearch.
Defines if type hints should be written.