Class GemfireTemplate

All Implemented Interfaces:
InitializingBean, GemfireOperations

public class GemfireTemplate extends GemfireAccessor implements GemfireOperations
The GemfireTemplate class simplifies Apache Geode data access operations, converting Apache Geode GemFireCheckedExceptions and GemFireExceptions into Spring DataAccessExceptions, following the org.springframework.dao Exception hierarchy. The central method is execute, supporting Apache Geode data access code implementing the GemfireCallback interface. It provides dedicated handling such that neither the GemfireCallback implementation nor the calling code needs to explicitly care about handling Region life-cycle Exceptions. This template class is typically used to implement data access operations or business logic services using Apache Geode within their implementation but are Geode-agnostic in their interface. The latter or code calling the latter only have to deal with business objects, query objects, and org.springframework.dao Exceptions.
Costin Leau, John Blum
See Also: