Spring for Apache Hadoop

Interface LongRunningYarnContainer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBatchYarnContainer, AbstractIntegrationYarnContainer, AbstractYarnContainer, DefaultBatchYarnContainer

public interface LongRunningYarnContainer
extends YarnContainer

Extension of YarnContainer indicating that container is intended to be a long running operation. Usually container will do its tasks and goes away by its own, but in some use cases it is appropriate to allow container to be kept up and running by hooking to its states.

Usual case is to ask from method isWaitCompleteState() if runner should wait complete state via listener which is registered using method addContainerStateListener(ContainerStateListener).

Janne Valkealahti

Method Summary
 void addContainerStateListener(ContainerStateListener listener)
          Adds the container state listener.
 boolean isWaitCompleteState()
          Indication for possible handler using this bean whether it should wait COMPLETED state.
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.yarn.container.YarnContainer
run, setEnvironment, setParameters

Method Detail


void addContainerStateListener(ContainerStateListener listener)
Adds the container state listener.

listener - the ContainerStateListener


boolean isWaitCompleteState()
Indication for possible handler using this bean whether it should wait COMPLETED state.

True if complete state should be wait
See Also:

Spring for Apache Hadoop