Spring for Apache Hadoop

Package org.springframework.yarn.test.context

Interface Summary
YarnCluster Interface for Yarn miniclusters.

Class Summary
YarnClusterInjectingAnnotationConfigContextLoader Extending generic annotation based context loader able to manage and inject Yarn mini clusters.
YarnClusterInjectingXmlContextLoader Extending generic xml based context loader able to manage and inject Yarn mini clusters.
YarnDelegatingSmartContextLoader DelegatingSmartContextLoader is an implementation of the SmartContextLoader SPI that delegates to a set of candidate SmartContextLoaders (i.e., YarnClusterInjectingXmlContextLoader and YarnClusterInjectingAnnotationConfigContextLoader) to determine which context loader is appropriate for a given test classes configuration.

Annotation Types Summary
MiniYarnCluster MiniYarnCluster defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to load and configure a mini cluster and inject it into ApplicationContext for test classes.

Spring for Apache Hadoop