Spring Data JPA

Package org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query

Query implementation to exectue queries against JPA.


Interface Summary
QueryExtractor Interface to hide different implementations to extract the original JPA query string from a Query.

Class Summary
AbstractJpaQuery Abstract base class to implement RepositoryQuerys.
AbstractStringBasedJpaQuery Base class for String based JPA queries.
JpaCountQueryCreator Special JpaQueryCreator that creates a count projecting query.
JpaQueryCreator Query creator to create a CriteriaQuery from a PartTree.
JpaQueryExecution Set of classes to contain query execution strategies.
JpaQueryLookupStrategy Query lookup strategy to execute finders.
JpaQueryMethod JPA specific extension of QueryMethod.
ParameterBinder ParameterBinder is used to bind method parameters to a Query.
PartTreeJpaQuery A AbstractJpaQuery implementation based on a PartTree.
QueryUtils Simple utility class to create JPA queries.

Package org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query Description

Query implementation to exectue queries against JPA.

Spring Data JPA

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