from the given JpaQueryMethod
with the given sorting criteria added to the current one.JpaSort
with the given sorting criteria added to the current one.Specification
to the current one.JpaSort
with the given sorting criteria added to the current one.Pageable
to the given JPQLQuery
for the auditing
that ensures that the AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect
aspect is up and
running before the EntityManagerFactory
gets created as this already instantiates
entity listeners and we need to get injection into Configurable
to work in them.BeanDefinition
instances from BeanFactoryPostProcessor
for an EntityManagerFactory
with a dedicated bean name.Query
that will scan for classes annotated with Entity
and add them to the PersistenceUnit
post processed.ClasspathScanningPersistenceUnitPostProcessor
using the given base package as scan base.ProjectionFactory
considering projections containing collections or
maps to be open.Predicate
and applies the given sort.Predicate
using the given CriteriaQuery
will return.JPQLQuery
count query for the given Predicate
count query for the given Predicate
.DeclaredQuery.deriveCountQuery(String, String)
instead.DeclaredQuery.deriveCountQuery(String, String)
to apply predicates on.JPQLQuery
instance based on the configured EntityManager
instance based on the configured EntityManager
for the given Predicate
for the given Predicate
that provide the LockModeType
to be used for query
for the given domain type.DeleteClause
for counting using the given values.Query
instance for the given values.AbstractStringBasedJpaQuery
executions by single enum values.Attribute
and returning a new JpaSort.Path
pointing to the attribute type.PluralAttribute
and returning a new JpaSort.Path
pointing to the attribute type.EntityGraph
s that should be used on repository methods.EntityGraph
to register a SharedEntityManagerCreator
for every
bean definition found in the application context to enable autowiring
instances into constructor arguments.BeanDefinitionUtils.EntityManagerFactoryBeanDefinition
, %
) using the configured escape character.String
for LIKE expressions.String
with the given ParameterBinder
of entities matching the given Specification
and Sort
or Optional.empty()
if none found.PersistentPropertyPaths
by also traversing properties that are embeddables.JPQLQuery
for the given EntityPath
from the given EntityManager
from the given Metamodel
for the EntityManagerFactory
with the given name, obtained from the given BeanFactory
or one of its
for the EntityManagerFactory
for the configured domain type.SimpleJpaRepository.getCountQuery(Specification, Class)
to be used.JpaEntityInformation
for the given domain class and EntityManager
managing the given domain type.BeanDefinitionUtils.EntityManagerFactoryBeanDefinition
instances for all BeanDefinition
registered in the given
to be used.JpaMetamodel
to be used.EntityGraph
configuration to use.ParameterExpression
created when creating the query.Predicate
representing the Example
representing the Example
and from
from the given Specification
from the given Specification
with the query hints based on the current CrudMethodMetadata
and potential
instance with the given EntityManager
of the EntityGraph
to use.Query
contains named parameters.InvalidJpaQueryMethodException
with the given message.JpaEntityGraph
needs to be generated on-the-fly.Metamodel
in order to ensure that no JPA provider complains because of a missing setter.Procedure
that creates a count projecting query.JpaCountQueryCreator
with the given name, EntityGraph.EntityGraphType
and attribute paths.EntityInformation
to capture additional JPA specific information about entities.JpaEntityInformation
implementations to share common method implementations.JpaEntityInformationSupport
with the given domain class.EntityMetadata
to register EscapeCharacter
as root object to essentially expose an
function to SpEL.JpaEvaluationContextExtension
for the given escape character.Metamodel
to be able to apply some fixes against bugs in provider implementations.EntityInformation
that uses JPA Metamodel
to find the domain class' id field.JpaMetamodelEntityInformation
for the given domain class and Metamodel
implementation based on a Jpa Metamodel
based MappingContext
discovering additional query parameter annotations.JpaParameters
instance from the given Method
based on an Parameters
that consideres methods of Persistable
to lookup the id.JpaPersistableEntityInformation
for the given domain class and Metamodel
from a PartTree
interface to allow easy setup of
repository factories via Spring configuration.JpaRepositoryFactoryBean
for the given repository interface.JpaRepository
s for sorting.JpaSort
for the given attributes with the default sort direction.JpaSort
instance with the given JpaSort.Path
for the given direction and attributes.JpaSort
for the given direction and JpaSort.Path
that keeps a flag to indicate unsafe property handling, i.e. the String provided is not
necessarily a property but can be an arbitrary expression piped into the query execution.Attribute
s based on the JPA criteria API.Date
to be used when executing the query.DefaultPersistenceUnitManager
to merge configurations of one persistence unit residing in multiple
files into one.Specification
is used to bind method parameters to a Query
implementation based on a PartTree
for the given Attribute
for the given PluralAttribute
since some JPA providers cannot correctly handle empty collections.Optional
from the given
in case we're running on Java 8.QueryByExamplePredicateBuilder
creates a single CriteriaBuilder.and(Predicate...)
for a given Example
with an implementation for implementation for
from the given domain class and EntityManager
and uses
the given EntityPathResolver
to translate the domain class into an EntityPath
from the given domain class and EntityManager
from the given domain class and EntityManager
and uses the
given EntityPathResolver
to translate the domain class into an EntityPath
instance for the given domain type.Query
annotations to be bound to methods.AuditingHandler
to be used to set the current auditor on the domain types touched.EntityManager
to be used.EntityManager
to be used.EntityPathResolver
to be used.EscapeCharacter
to be used with the repository.CrudMethodMetadata
to be used with the repository.CrudMethodMetadata
to be used to detect LockModeType
s and query hints to be
applied to queries.ProxyIdAccessor
should be used for the given entity.CrudRepository
to manage objects of the given JpaEntityInformation
to manage objects of the given domain type.TemporalType
on query method parameters.Date
into Order
for the given
and CriteriaQuery
persist events.Auditable
update events.Map
with hints for a JPA 2.1 fetch-graph or load-graph if running under JPA 2.1.JpaSort
based on given properties.JpaSort
based on given Direction
and properties.JpaSort
based on given Direction
and properties.UpdateClause
with potentially unsafe Order
instances.Copyright © 2011–2019 Pivotal Software, Inc.. All rights reserved.