Spring Data MongoDB

Uses of Class

Packages that use Criteria
org.springframework.data.mongodb.core MongoDB core support. 
org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query MongoDB specific query and update support. 

Uses of Criteria in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core

Methods in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core with parameters of type Criteria
<T> GroupByResults<T>
MongoTemplate.group(Criteria criteria, String inputCollectionName, GroupBy groupBy, Class<T> entityClass)
<T> GroupByResults<T>
MongoOperations.group(Criteria criteria, String inputCollectionName, GroupBy groupBy, Class<T> entityClass)
          Execute a group operation restricting the rows to those which match the provided Criteria.

Uses of Criteria in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query

Methods in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query that return Criteria
 Criteria Criteria.all(Collection<?> o)
 Criteria Criteria.all(Object... o)
          Creates a criterion using the $all operator
 Criteria Criteria.and(String key)
          Static factory method to create a Criteria using the provided key
 Criteria Criteria.andOperator(Criteria... criteria)
          Creates an 'and' criteria using the $and operator for all of the provided criteria
 Criteria Criteria.elemMatch(Criteria c)
          Creates a criterion using the $elemMatch operator
 Criteria Criteria.exists(boolean b)
          Creates a criterion using the $exists operator
 Criteria Criteria.gt(Object o)
          Creates a criterion using the $gt operator
 Criteria Criteria.gte(Object o)
          Creates a criterion using the $gte operator
 Criteria Criteria.in(Collection<?> c)
          Creates a criterion using the $in operator
 Criteria Criteria.in(Object... o)
          Creates a criterion using the $in operator
 Criteria Criteria.is(Object o)
          Creates a criterion using equality
 Criteria Criteria.lt(Object o)
          Creates a criterion using the $lt operator
 Criteria Criteria.lte(Object o)
          Creates a criterion using the $lte operator
 Criteria Criteria.maxDistance(double maxDistance)
          Creates a geospatical criterion using a $maxDistance operation, for use with $near
 Criteria Criteria.mod(Number value, Number remainder)
          Creates a criterion using the $mod operator
 Criteria Criteria.ne(Object o)
          Creates a criterion using the $ne operator
 Criteria Criteria.near(Point point)
          Creates a geospatial criterion using a $near operation
 Criteria Criteria.nearSphere(Point point)
          Creates a geospatial criterion using a $nearSphere operation.
 Criteria Criteria.nin(Collection<?> o)
 Criteria Criteria.nin(Object... o)
          Creates a criterion using the $nin operator
 Criteria Criteria.norOperator(Criteria... criteria)
          Creates a 'nor' criteria using the $nor operator for all of the provided criteria
 Criteria Criteria.not()
          Creates a criterion using the $not meta operator which affects the clause directly following
 Criteria Criteria.orOperator(Criteria... criteria)
          Creates an 'or' criteria using the $or operator for all of the provided criteria
 Criteria Criteria.regex(Pattern pattern)
          Syntactical sugar for is(Object) making obvious that we create a regex predicate.
 Criteria Criteria.regex(String re)
          Creates a criterion using a $regex
 Criteria Criteria.regex(String re, String options)
          Creates a criterion using a $regex and $options
 Criteria Criteria.size(int s)
          Creates a criterion using the $size operator
 Criteria Criteria.type(int t)
          Creates a criterion using the $type operator
static Criteria Criteria.where(String key)
          Static factory method to create a Criteria using the provided key
 Criteria Criteria.within(Shape shape)
 Criteria Criteria.withinSphere(Circle circle)
          Creates a geospatial criterion using a $within $center operation.

Methods in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query that return types with arguments of type Criteria
protected  List<Criteria> Query.getCriteria()

Methods in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query with parameters of type Criteria
 Query Query.addCriteria(Criteria criteria)
 Query BasicQuery.addCriteria(Criteria criteria)
 Criteria Criteria.andOperator(Criteria... criteria)
          Creates an 'and' criteria using the $and operator for all of the provided criteria
 Criteria Criteria.elemMatch(Criteria c)
          Creates a criterion using the $elemMatch operator
 Criteria Criteria.norOperator(Criteria... criteria)
          Creates a 'nor' criteria using the $nor operator for all of the provided criteria
 Criteria Criteria.orOperator(Criteria... criteria)
          Creates an 'or' criteria using the $or operator for all of the provided criteria
static Query Query.query(Criteria critera)
          Static factory method to create a Query using the provided criteria

Constructors in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query with parameters of type Criteria
Query(Criteria criteria)

Constructor parameters in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query with type arguments of type Criteria
Criteria(List<Criteria> criteriaChain, String key)

Uses of Criteria in org.springframework.data.mongodb.gridfs

Subclasses of Criteria in org.springframework.data.mongodb.gridfs
 class GridFsCriteria
          GridFs-specific helper class to define Criterias.

Spring Data MongoDB

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