Class MongoTemplate
- All Implemented Interfaces:
. It simplifies the use of imperative MongoDB usage and helps to
avoid common errors. It executes core MongoDB workflow, leaving application code to provide Document
extract results. This class executes BSON queries or updates, initiating iteration over FindIterable
catching MongoDB exceptions and translating them to the generic, more informative exception hierarchy defined in the
org.springframework.dao package. Can be used within a service implementation via direct instantiation with a
reference, or get prepared in an application context and given to services as bean
Note: The MongoDatabaseFactory
should always be configured as a bean in the application context, in the first
case given to the service directly, in the second case to the prepared template.
and ReadConcern
and ReadConcern
are generally considered from Query
objects for the action to be executed on a particular MongoCollection
You can also set the default ReadPreference
on the template level to
generally apply a ReadPreference
- Author:
- Thomas Risberg, Graeme Rocher, Mark Pollack, Oliver Gierke, Amol Nayak, Patryk Wasik, Tobias Trelle, Sebastian Herold, Thomas Darimont, Chuong Ngo, Christoph Strobl, Doménique Tilleuil, Niko Schmuck, Mark Paluch, Laszlo Csontos, Maninder Singh, Borislav Rangelov, duozhilin, Andreas Zink, Cimon Lucas, Michael J. Simons, Roman Puchkovskiy, Yadhukrishna S Pai, Anton Barkan, Bartłomiej Mazur, Michael Krog
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
ExecutableAggregationOperation.AggregationWithAggregation<T>, ExecutableAggregationOperation.AggregationWithCollection<T>, ExecutableAggregationOperation.ExecutableAggregation<T>, ExecutableAggregationOperation.TerminatingAggregation<T>
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
ExecutableFindOperation.DistinctWithProjection, ExecutableFindOperation.DistinctWithQuery<T>, ExecutableFindOperation.ExecutableFind<T>, ExecutableFindOperation.FindDistinct, ExecutableFindOperation.FindWithCollection<T>, ExecutableFindOperation.FindWithProjection<T>, ExecutableFindOperation.FindWithQuery<T>, ExecutableFindOperation.TerminatingDistinct<T>, ExecutableFindOperation.TerminatingFind<T>, ExecutableFindOperation.TerminatingFindNear<T>
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
ExecutableInsertOperation.ExecutableInsert<T>, ExecutableInsertOperation.InsertWithBulkMode<T>, ExecutableInsertOperation.InsertWithCollection<T>, ExecutableInsertOperation.TerminatingBulkInsert<T>, ExecutableInsertOperation.TerminatingInsert<T>
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
ExecutableMapReduceOperation.ExecutableMapReduce<T>, ExecutableMapReduceOperation.MapReduceWithCollection<T>, ExecutableMapReduceOperation.MapReduceWithMapFunction<T>, ExecutableMapReduceOperation.MapReduceWithOptions<T>, ExecutableMapReduceOperation.MapReduceWithProjection<T>, ExecutableMapReduceOperation.MapReduceWithQuery<T>, ExecutableMapReduceOperation.MapReduceWithReduceFunction<T>, ExecutableMapReduceOperation.TerminatingMapReduce<T>
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
ExecutableRemoveOperation.ExecutableRemove<T>, ExecutableRemoveOperation.RemoveWithCollection<T>, ExecutableRemoveOperation.RemoveWithQuery<T>, ExecutableRemoveOperation.TerminatingRemove<T>
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
ExecutableUpdateOperation.ExecutableUpdate<T>, ExecutableUpdateOperation.FindAndModifyWithOptions<T>, ExecutableUpdateOperation.FindAndReplaceWithOptions<T>, ExecutableUpdateOperation.FindAndReplaceWithProjection<T>, ExecutableUpdateOperation.TerminatingFindAndModify<T>, ExecutableUpdateOperation.TerminatingFindAndReplace<T>, ExecutableUpdateOperation.TerminatingUpdate<T>, ExecutableUpdateOperation.UpdateWithCollection<T>, ExecutableUpdateOperation.UpdateWithQuery<T>, ExecutableUpdateOperation.UpdateWithUpdate<T>
Constructor Summary
(com.mongodb.client.MongoClient mongoClient, String databaseName) Constructor used for a basic template configuration.MongoTemplate
(MongoDatabaseFactory mongoDbFactory) Constructor used for a basic template configuration.MongoTemplate
(MongoDatabaseFactory mongoDbFactory, MongoConverter mongoConverter) Constructor used for a basic template configuration. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription<O> AggregationResults<O>
(Aggregation aggregation, Class<?> inputType, Class<O> outputType) Execute an aggregation operation.<O> AggregationResults<O>
(Aggregation aggregation, String collectionName, Class<O> outputType) Execute an aggregation operation.protected <O> AggregationResults<O>
(Aggregation aggregation, String collectionName, Class<O> outputType, AggregationOperationContext context) <O> AggregationResults<O>
(TypedAggregation<?> aggregation, Class<O> outputType) Execute an aggregation operation.<O> AggregationResults<O>
(TypedAggregation<?> aggregation, String inputCollectionName, Class<O> outputType) Execute an aggregation operation.aggregateAndReturn
(Class<T> domainType) Start creating an aggregation operation that returns results mapped to the given domain type.<O> Stream<O>
(Aggregation aggregation, Class<?> inputType, Class<O> outputType) Execute an aggregation operation backed by a Mongo DBAggregateIterable
.<O> Stream<O>
(Aggregation aggregation, String collectionName, Class<O> outputType) Execute an aggregation operation backed by a Mongo DBAggregateIterable
.protected <O> Stream<O>
(Aggregation aggregation, String collectionName, Class<O> outputType, AggregationOperationContext context) <O> Stream<O>
(TypedAggregation<?> aggregation, Class<O> outputType) Execute an aggregation operation backed by a Mongo DBAggregateIterable
.<O> Stream<O>
(TypedAggregation<?> aggregation, String inputCollectionName, Class<O> outputType) Execute an aggregation operation backed by a Mongo DBAggregateIterable
(BulkOperations.BulkMode bulkMode, Class<?> entityClass) Returns a newBulkOperations
for the given entity type.bulkOps
(BulkOperations.BulkMode mode, Class<?> entityType, String collectionName) Returns a newBulkOperations
for the given entity type and collection name.bulkOps
(BulkOperations.BulkMode mode, String collectionName) Returns a newBulkOperations
for the given collection.<T> boolean
(Class<T> entityClass) Check to see if a collection with a name indicated by the entity class exists.boolean
(String collectionName) Check to see if a collection with a given name exists.protected org.bson.Document
(CollectionOptions collectionOptions, Class<?> targetType) Convert givenCollectionOptions
to a document and take the domain type information into account when creating a mapped schema for validation.long
Returns the number of documents for the givenQuery
by querying the collection of the given entity class.long
Returns the number of documents for the givenQuery
querying the given collection.protected boolean
(org.bson.Document filter, com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions options) <T> com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>
(Class<T> entityClass) Create an uncapped collection with a name based on the provided entity class.<T> com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>
(Class<T> entityClass, CollectionOptions collectionOptions) Create a collection with a name based on the provided entity class using the<org.bson.Document>
(String collectionName) Create an uncapped collection with the provided<org.bson.Document>
(String collectionName, CollectionOptions collectionOptions) Create a collection with the provided name and<org.bson.Document>
(String name, Class<?> source, AggregationPipeline pipeline, ViewOptions options) Create a view with the provided<org.bson.Document>
(String name, String source, AggregationPipeline pipeline, ViewOptions options) Create a view with the provided name.protected <O> AggregationResults<O>
(Aggregation aggregation, String collectionName, Class<O> outputType, AggregationOperationContext context) protected long
(CollectionPreparer collectionPreparer, String collectionName, org.bson.Document filter, com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions options) protected com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>
(String collectionName, com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions collectionOptions) Create the specified collection using the provided optionsprotected com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>
(String collectionName, org.bson.Document collectionOptions) Create the specified collection using the provided optionsprotected com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>
(String name, String source, List<org.bson.Document> pipeline, ViewOptions options) protected long
(CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, String collectionName, com.mongodb.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions options) protected long
(CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, String collectionName, org.bson.Document filter, com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions options) protected <S,
T> List<T> doFind
(String collectionName, CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, Class<S> entityClass, CursorPreparer preparer,<T> objectCallback) protected <T> List<T>
(String collectionName, CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, Class<T> entityClass) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to a List using the template's converter.protected <T> List<T>
(String collectionName, CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, Class<T> entityClass, CursorPreparer preparer) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to a List of the specified type.protected <T> List<T>
(String collectionName, Query query, Class<T> entityClass) Retrieve and remove all documents matching the givenquery
by callingfind(Query, Class, String)
andremove(Query, Class, String)
, whereas theQuery
forremove(Query, Class, String)
is constructed out of the find result.protected <T> T
(CollectionPreparer collectionPreparer, String collectionName, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, org.bson.Document sort, Class<T> entityClass, UpdateDefinition update, FindAndModifyOptions options) protected <T> T
(CollectionPreparer collectionPreparer, String collectionName, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, org.bson.Document sort, Collation collation, Class<T> entityClass) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to an object using the template's converter.protected <T> T
(CollectionPreparer collectionPreparer, String collectionName, org.bson.Document mappedQuery, org.bson.Document mappedFields, org.bson.Document mappedSort, com.mongodb.client.model.Collation collation, Class<?> entityType, org.bson.Document replacement, FindAndReplaceOptions options, Class<T> resultType) Customize this part for findAndReplace.protected <T> T
(String collectionName, CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, Class<T> entityClass) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to an object using the template's converter.protected <T> T
(String collectionName, CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, CursorPreparer preparer, Class<T> entityClass) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to an object using the template's converter.protected com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
protected <T> T
(String collectionName, T objectToSave, MongoWriter<T> writer) protected <T> Collection<T>
(Collection<? extends T> listToSave, MongoWriter<T> writer) protected <T> Collection<T>
(String collectionName, Collection<? extends T> batchToSave, MongoWriter<T> writer) protected <T> com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult
protected <T> T
(String collectionName, T objectToSave, MongoWriter<T> writer) protected <T> Stream<T>
protected com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult
(String collectionName, Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, boolean upsert, boolean multi) <T> void
(Class<T> entityClass) Drop the collection with the name indicated by the entity class.void
(String collectionName) Drop the collection with the given name.protected void
(Object source) long
(String collectionName) Estimate the number of documents in the given collection based on collection statistics.long
(Query query, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) <T> T
(Class<?> entityClass, CollectionCallback<T> callback) Executes the givenCollectionCallback
on the entity collection of the specified class.<T> T
(String collectionName, CollectionCallback<T> callback) Executes the givenCollectionCallback
on the collection of the given name.<T> T
(DbCallback<T> action) Executes aDbCallback
translating any exceptions as
(String jsonCommand) Execute a MongoDB command expressed as a JSON
(org.bson.Document command) Execute a MongoDB
(org.bson.Document command, com.mongodb.ReadPreference readPreference) Execute a MongoDB command.void
(Query query, String collectionName, DocumentCallbackHandler dch) Execute a MongoDB query and iterate over the query results on a per-document basis with a DocumentCallbackHandler.protected void
(Query query, String collectionName, DocumentCallbackHandler documentCallbackHandler, CursorPreparer preparer) Execute a MongoDB query and iterate over the query results on a per-document basis with aDocumentCallbackHandler
using the provided CursorPreparer.boolean
Determine result of givenQuery
contains at least one element.boolean
Determine result of givenQuery
contains at least one element.boolean
Determine result of givenQuery
contains at least one element.<T> List<T>
Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the collection for the entity class to a List of the specified type.<T> List<T>
Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a List of the specified type.<T> List<T>
Query for a list of objects of type T from the collection used by the entity class.<T> List<T>
Query for a list of objects of type T from the specified collection.<T> List<T>
(Query query, Class<T> entityClass) Returns and removes all documents matching the given query form the collection used to store the entityClass.<T> List<T>
(Query query, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName) Returns and removes all documents that match the provided query document criteria from the collection used to store the entityClass.<T> List<T>
(Query query, String collectionName) Returns and removes all documents form the specified collection that match the provided query.<T> T
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<T> entityClass) <T> T
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName) <T> T
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, FindAndModifyOptions options, Class<T> entityClass) Triggers findAndModify to apply providedUpdate
on documents matchingCriteria
of givenQuery
into account.<T> T
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, FindAndModifyOptions options, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName) Triggers findAndModify to apply providedUpdate
on documents matchingCriteria
of givenQuery
into account.<T> T
(Query query, Class<T> entityClass) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the collection for the entity type to a single instance of an object of the specified type.<T> T
(Query query, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a single instance of an object of the specified type.<S,
T> T findAndReplace
(Query query, S replacement, FindAndReplaceOptions options, Class<S> entityType, String collectionName, Class<T> resultType) Triggers findOneAndReplace to replace a single document matchingCriteria
of givenQuery
with thereplacement
document takingFindAndReplaceOptions
into account.
NOTE: The replacement entity must not hold an id.<T> T
Returns a document with the given id mapped onto the given class.<T> T
Returns the document with the given id from the given collection mapped onto the given target class.<T> List<T>
(Query query, String field, Class<?> entityClass, Class<T> resultClass) Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a singleMongoCollection
or view and returns the results in aList
.<T> List<T>
(Query query, String field, String collectionName, Class<?> entityClass, Class<T> resultClass) Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a singleMongoCollection
or view and returns the results in aList
.<T> T
Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the collection for the entity class to a single instance of an object of the specified type.<T> T
Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a single instance of an object of the specified type.<T> GeoResults<T>
<T> GeoResults<T>
for all entities matching the givenNearQuery
.<T> GeoResults<T>
for all entities matching the givenNearQuery
(String collectionName) Get aMongoCollection
by its name.getCollectionName
(Class<?> entityClass) The collection name used for the specified class by this template.A set of collection names.Returns the defaultMongoConverter
Returns the operations that can be performed on indexesReturns the operations that can be performed on indexesReturns the operations that can be performed on indexes.Start creating an insert operation for given domainType.<T> Collection<T>
(Collection<? extends T> batchToSave, Class<?> entityClass) Insert a Collection of objects into a collection in a single batch write to the database.<T> Collection<T>
(Collection<? extends T> batchToSave, String collectionName) Insert a batch of objects into the specified collection in a single batch write to the database.<T> T
(T objectToSave) Insert the object into the collection for the entity type of the object to save.<T> T
Insert the object into the specified collection.<T> Collection<T>
(Collection<? extends T> objectsToSave) Insert a mixed Collection of objects into a database collection determining the collection name to use based on the class.protected Object
(String collectionName, org.bson.Document document, Class<?> entityClass) insertDocumentList
(String collectionName, List<org.bson.Document> documents) Start creating a mapReduce operation for the given domainType.<T> MapReduceResults<T>
(String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, Class<T> entityClass) Execute a map-reduce operation.<T> MapReduceResults<T>
(String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, MapReduceOptions mapReduceOptions, Class<T> entityClass) Execute a map-reduce operation that takes additional map-reduce options.<T> List<T>
(Query query, Class<?> domainType, String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, MapReduceOptions mapReduceOptions, Class<T> resultType) Deprecated.<T> MapReduceResults<T>
(Query query, String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, Class<T> entityClass) Execute a map-reduce operation that takes a query.<T> MapReduceResults<T>
(Query query, String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, MapReduceOptions mapReduceOptions, Class<T> entityClass) Execute a map-reduce operation that takes a query and additional map-reduce optionsprotected <T> T
(T object, org.bson.Document document, String collection) protected <T> T
(T object, org.bson.Document document, String collection) protected <T> T
(T object, String collection) protected <T> T
(T object, org.bson.Document document, String collection) protected <E extends MongoMappingEvent<T>,
(E event) protected <T> T
(T savedObject, Object id) Populates the id property of the saved object, if it's not set already.protected com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>
(com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> collection) Prepare the collection before any processing is done using it.protected com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
(com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase database) protected com.mongodb.WriteConcern
(MongoAction mongoAction) Prepare the WriteConcern before any processing is done using it.Start creating a find operation for the given domainType.Start creating a remove operation for the given
Remove the given object from the collection by id and (if applicable) itsVersion
Removes the given object from the given collection by id and (if applicable) itsVersion
Remove all documents that match the provided query document criteria from the collection used to store the
Remove all documents that match the provided query document criteria from the collection used to store the
Remove all documents from the specified collection that match the provided query document criteria.protected String
(String function) <T> T
(T objectToSave) Save the object to the collection for the entity type of the object to save.<T> T
Save the object to the specified collection.protected Object
(String collectionName, org.bson.Document dbDoc, Class<?> entityClass) Returns theScriptOperations
that can be performed onMongoDatabase
level.<T> Window<T>
Query for a window of objects of type T from the specified collection.<T> Window<T>
Query for a window of objects of type T from the specified collection.void
(ApplicationContext applicationContext) void
(EntityCallbacks entityCallbacks) void
(boolean enabled) Configure whether lifecycle events such asAfterLoadEvent
, etc. should be published or whether emission should be suppressed.void
(com.mongodb.ReadPreference readPreference) Used by @{linkprepareCollection(MongoCollection)
to set theReadPreference
before any operations are performed.void
(SessionSynchronization sessionSynchronization) Define ifMongoTemplate
should participate in transactions.void
(com.mongodb.WriteConcern writeConcern) Configures theWriteConcern
to be used with the template.void
(WriteConcernResolver writeConcernResolver) Configures theWriteConcernResolver
to be used with the template.void
(WriteResultChecking resultChecking) Configures theWriteResultChecking
to be used with the template.<T> Stream<T>
Executes the givenQuery
on the entity collection of the specifiedentityType
backed by a Mongo DBFindIterable
.<T> Stream<T>
Executes the givenQuery
on the entity collection of the specifiedentityType
and collection backed by a Mongo DBFindIterable
.Start creating an update operation for the given
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass) Updates the first object that is found in the collection of the entity class that matches the query document with the provided update
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) Updates the first object that is found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName) Updates the first object that is found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass) Updates all objects that are found in the collection for the entity class that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) Updates all objects that are found in the collection for the entity class that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName) Updates all objects that are found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass) Performs an
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) Performs an
(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName) Performs an upsert.void
(boolean enabled) Configure whether to use estimated count.withSession
(com.mongodb.client.ClientSession session) Obtain aClientSession
bound instance ofMongoOperations
(com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions options) Obtain asession
bound instance ofSessionScoped
binding a newClientSession
with given sessionOptions to each and every command issued against MongoDB.Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
createView, createView, estimatedCount, exactCount, exactCount, findAndReplace, findAndReplace, findAndReplace, findAndReplace, findAndReplace, findAndReplace, findDistinct, findDistinct, withSession
Constructor Details
Constructor used for a basic template configuration.- Parameters:
- must not be null.databaseName
- must not be null or empty.- Since:
- 2.1
Constructor used for a basic template configuration.- Parameters:
- must not be null.
Constructor used for a basic template configuration.- Parameters:
- must not be null.mongoConverter
Method Details
Configures theWriteResultChecking
to be used with the template. Setting null will reset the default ofDEFAULT_WRITE_RESULT_CHECKING
.- Parameters:
Configures theWriteConcern
to be used with the template. If none is configured theWriteConcern
configured on theMongoDatabaseFactory
will apply.- Parameters:
Configures theWriteConcernResolver
to be used with the template.- Parameters:
Used by @{linkprepareCollection(MongoCollection)
to set theReadPreference
before any operations are performed.- Parameters:
public boolean hasReadPreference()- Specified by:
in interfaceReadPreferenceAware
- Returns:
- true if a
is set.
public com.mongodb.ReadPreference getReadPreference()- Specified by:
in interfaceReadPreferenceAware
- Returns:
- the
to apply or null if none set.
public void setEntityLifecycleEventsEnabled(boolean enabled) Configure whether lifecycle events such asAfterLoadEvent
, etc. should be published or whether emission should be suppressed. Enabled by default.- Parameters:
to enable entity lifecycle events;false
to disable entity lifecycle events.- Since:
- 4.0
- See Also:
- Specified by:
in interfaceApplicationContextAware
- Throws:
Set theEntityCallbacks
instance to use when invokingcallbacks
like theBeforeSaveCallback
Overrides potentially existingEntityCallbacks
.- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Throws:
- if the given instance is null.- Since:
- 2.2
public void useEstimatedCount(boolean enabled) Configure whether to use estimated count. Defaults to exact counting.- Parameters:
- useMongoCollection.estimatedDocumentCount()
for unpaged and emptyqueries
.- Since:
- 3.4
Returns the defaultMongoConverter
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Returns:
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Executes the givenQuery
on the entity collection of the specifiedentityType
backed by a Mongo DBFindIterable
.Returns a
that wraps the Mongo DBFindIterable
that needs to be closed.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Type Parameters:
- element return type- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.entityType
- must not be null.- Returns:
- the result
, containing mapped objects, needing to be closed once fully processed (e.g. through a try-with-resources clause).
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Executes the givenQuery
on the entity collection of the specifiedentityType
and collection backed by a Mongo DBFindIterable
.Returns a
that wraps the Mongo DBFindIterable
that needs to be closed.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Type Parameters:
- element return type- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.entityType
- must not be null.collectionName
- must not be null or empty.- Returns:
- the result
, containing mapped objects, needing to be closed once fully processed (e.g. through a try-with-resources clause).
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
The collection name used for the specified class by this template.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
- never null.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute a MongoDB command expressed as a JSON string. Parsing is delegated toDocument.parse(String)
to obtain theDocument
holding the actual command. Any errors that result from executing this command will be converted into Spring's DAO exception hierarchy.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- a MongoDB command expressed as a JSON string. Must not be null.- Returns:
- a result object returned by the action.
public org.bson.Document executeCommand(org.bson.Document command) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute a MongoDB command. Any errors that result from executing this command will be converted into Spring's DAO exception hierarchy.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- a MongoDB command.- Returns:
- a result object returned by the action.
public org.bson.Document executeCommand(org.bson.Document command, @Nullable com.mongodb.ReadPreference readPreference) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute a MongoDB command. Any errors that result from executing this command will be converted into Spring's data access exception hierarchy.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- a MongoDB command, must not be null.readPreference
- read preferences to use, can be null.- Returns:
- a result object returned by the action.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute a MongoDB query and iterate over the query results on a per-document basis with a DocumentCallbackHandler.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects from.dch
- the handler that will extract results, one document at a time.
protected void executeQuery(Query query, String collectionName, DocumentCallbackHandler documentCallbackHandler, @Nullable CursorPreparer preparer) Execute a MongoDB query and iterate over the query results on a per-document basis with aDocumentCallbackHandler
using the provided CursorPreparer.- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification, must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects fromdocumentCallbackHandler
- the handler that will extract results, one document at a timepreparer
- allows for customization of theFindIterable
used when iterating over the result set, (apply limits, skips and so on).
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Executes aDbCallback
translating any exceptions as necessary.
Allows for returning a result object, that is a domain object or a collection of domain objects.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Type Parameters:
- return type.- Parameters:
- callback object that specifies the MongoDB actions to perform on the passed in DB instance. Must not be null.- Returns:
- a result object returned by the action or null.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Executes the givenCollectionCallback
on the entity collection of the specified class.
Allows for returning a result object, that is a domain object or a collection of domain objects.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Type Parameters:
- return type.- Parameters:
- class that determines the collection to use. Must not be null.callback
- callback object that specifies the MongoDB action. Must not be null.- Returns:
- a result object returned by the action or null.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Executes the givenCollectionCallback
on the collection of the given name.
Allows for returning a result object, that is a domain object or a collection of domain objects.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Type Parameters:
- return type.- Parameters:
- the name of the collection that specifies whichMongoCollection
instance will be passed into. Must not be null or empty.callback
- callback object that specifies the MongoDB action the callback action. Must not be null.- Returns:
- a result object returned by the action or null.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Obtain asession
bound instance ofSessionScoped
binding a newClientSession
with given sessionOptions to each and every command issued against MongoDB.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
- new instance of
. Never null.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Obtain aClientSession
bound instance ofMongoOperations
Note: It is up to the caller to manage theClientSession
lifecycle.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
bound instance ofMongoOperations
Define ifMongoTemplate
should participate in transactions. Default is set toSessionSynchronization.ON_ACTUAL_TRANSACTION
NOTE: MongoDB transactions require at least MongoDB 4.0.- Since:
- 2.1
public <T> com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> createCollection(Class<T> entityClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Create an uncapped collection with a name based on the provided entity class.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- class that determines the collection to create.- Returns:
- the created collection.
public <T> com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> createCollection(Class<T> entityClass, @Nullable CollectionOptions collectionOptions) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Create a collection with a name based on the provided entity class using the options.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- class that determines the collection to create. Must not be null.collectionOptions
- options to use when creating the collection.- Returns:
- the created collection.
public com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> createCollection(String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Create an uncapped collection with the provided name.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- name of the collection.- Returns:
- the created collection.
public com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> createCollection(String collectionName, @Nullable CollectionOptions collectionOptions) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Create a collection with the provided name and options.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- name of the collection. Must not be null nor empty.collectionOptions
- options to use when creating the collection.- Returns:
- the created collection.
public com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> createView(String name, Class<?> source, AggregationPipeline pipeline, @Nullable ViewOptions options) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Create a view with the provided name. The view content is defined by thepipeline
on another collection or view identified by the givensource type
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the name of the view to create.source
- the type defining the views source collection.pipeline
- theAggregationPipeline
defining the view content.options
- additional settings to apply when creating the view. Can be null.
public com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> createView(String name, String source, AggregationPipeline pipeline, @Nullable ViewOptions options) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Create a view with the provided name. The view content is defined by thepipeline
on another collection or view identified by the given source.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the name of the view to create.source
- the name of the collection or view defining the to be created views source.pipeline
- theAggregationPipeline
defining the view content.options
- additional settings to apply when creating the view. Can be null.
protected com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> doCreateView(String name, String source, List<org.bson.Document> pipeline, @Nullable ViewOptions options) -
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Get aMongoCollection
by its name. The returned collection may not exists yet (except in local memory) and is created on first interaction with the server. Collections can be explicitly created viaMongoOperations.createCollection(Class)
. Please make sure to check if the collectionexists
Translate any exceptions as necessary.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- name of the collection. Must not be null.- Returns:
- an existing collection or one created on first server interaction.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Check to see if a collection with a name indicated by the entity class exists.
Translate any exceptions as necessary.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- class that determines the name of the collection. Must not be null.- Returns:
- true if a collection with the given name is found, false otherwise.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Check to see if a collection with a given name exists.
Translate any exceptions as necessary.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- name of the collection. Must not be null.- Returns:
- true if a collection with the given name is found, false otherwise.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Drop the collection with the name indicated by the entity class.
Translate any exceptions as necessary.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- class that determines the collection to drop/delete. Must not be null.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Drop the collection with the given name.
Translate any exceptions as necessary.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- name of the collection to drop/delete.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns the operations that can be performed on indexes- Specified by:
in interfaceIndexOperationsProvider
- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- name of the MongoDB collection, must not be null.- Returns:
- index operations on the named collection
Description copied from interface:IndexOperationsProvider
Returns the operations that can be performed on indexes.- Specified by:
in interfaceIndexOperationsProvider
- Parameters:
- name of the MongoDB collection, must not be null.type
- the type used for field mapping. Can be null.- Returns:
- index operations on the named collection
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns the operations that can be performed on indexes- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Returns:
- index operations on the named collection associated with the given entity class
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns a newBulkOperations
for the given collection.
NOTE: Any additional support for field mapping, etc. is not available for update or remove operations in bulk mode due to the lack of domain type information. UseMongoOperations.bulkOps(BulkMode, Class, String)
to get full type specific support.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theBulkOperations.BulkMode
to use for bulk operations, must not be null.collectionName
- the name of the collection to work on, must not be null or empty.- Returns:
on the named collection
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns a newBulkOperations
for the given entity type.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theBulkOperations.BulkMode
to use for bulk operations, must not be null.entityClass
- the name of the entity class, must not be null.- Returns:
on the named collection associated of the given entity class.
public BulkOperations bulkOps(BulkOperations.BulkMode mode, @Nullable Class<?> entityType, String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns a newBulkOperations
for the given entity type and collection name.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theBulkOperations.BulkMode
to use for bulk operations, must not be null.entityType
- the name of the entity class. Can be null.collectionName
- the name of the collection to work on, must not be null or empty.- Returns:
on the named collection associated with the given entity class.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns theScriptOperations
that can be performed onMongoDatabase
level.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Returns:
- never null.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the collection for the entity class to a single instance of an object of the specified type.
The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
The query is specified as aQuery
which can be created either using theBasicQuery
or the more feature richQuery
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification.entityClass
- the parametrized type of the returned list.- Returns:
- the converted object.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a single instance of an object of the specified type.
The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
The query is specified as aQuery
which can be created either using theBasicQuery
or the more feature richQuery
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification.entityClass
- the parametrized type of the returned list.collectionName
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects from.- Returns:
- the converted object.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Determine result of givenQuery
contains at least one element.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies the criteria used to find a record.entityClass
- the parametrized type.- Returns:
- true if the query yields a result.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Determine result of givenQuery
contains at least one element.
NOTE: Any additional support for query/field mapping, etc. is not available due to the lack of domain type information. UseMongoOperations.exists(Query, Class, String)
to get full type specific support.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies the criteria used to find a record.collectionName
- name of the collection to check for objects.- Returns:
- true if the query yields a result.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Determine result of givenQuery
contains at least one element.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies the criteria used to find a record.entityClass
- the parametrized type. Can be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to check for objects.- Returns:
- true if the query yields a result.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the collection for the entity class to a List of the specified type.
The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
The query is specified as aQuery
which can be created either using theBasicQuery
or the more feature richQuery
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.entityClass
- the parametrized type of the returned list. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the List of converted objects.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a List of the specified type.
The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
The query is specified as aQuery
which can be created either using theBasicQuery
or the more feature richQuery
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.entityClass
- the parametrized type of the returned list. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects from. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the List of converted objects.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Query for a window of objects of type T from the specified collection.
Make sure to either setQuery.skip(long)
along withQuery.limit(int)
to limit large query results for efficient scrolling.
Result objects are converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
If your collection does not contain a homogeneous collection of types, this operation will not be an efficient way to map objects since the test for class type is done in the client and not on the server.When using
, make sure to use non-nullablesort properties
as MongoDB does not support criteria to reconstruct a query result from absent document fields ornull
values through$gt/$lt
operators.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.entityType
- the parametrized type of the returned window.- Returns:
- the converted window.
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Query for a window of objects of type T from the specified collection.
Make sure to either setQuery.skip(long)
along withQuery.limit(int)
to limit large query results for efficient scrolling.
Result objects are converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
If your collection does not contain a homogeneous collection of types, this operation will not be an efficient way to map objects since the test for class type is done in the client and not on the server.When using
, make sure to use non-nullablesort properties
as MongoDB does not support criteria to reconstruct a query result from absent document fields ornull
values through$gt/$lt
operators.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.entityType
- the parametrized type of the returned window.collectionName
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects from.- Returns:
- the converted window.
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns a document with the given id mapped onto the given class. The collection the query is ran against will be derived from the given target class as well.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the id of the document to return. Must not be null.entityClass
- the type the document shall be converted into. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the document with the given id mapped onto the given target class.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns the document with the given id from the given collection mapped onto the given target class.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the id of the document to return.entityClass
- the type to convert the document to.collectionName
- the collection to query for the document.- Returns:
- he converted object or null if document does not exist.
public <T> List<T> findDistinct(Query query, String field, Class<?> entityClass, Class<T> resultClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a singleMongoCollection
or view and returns the results in aList
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- filterQuery
to restrict search. Must not be null.field
- the name of the field to inspect for distinct values. Must not be null.entityClass
- the domain type used for determining the actualMongoCollection
and mapping theQuery
to the domain type fields. Must not be null.resultClass
- the result type. Must not be null.- Returns:
- never null.
public <T> List<T> findDistinct(Query query, String field, String collectionName, Class<?> entityClass, Class<T> resultClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a singleMongoCollection
or view and returns the results in aList
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- filterQuery
to restrict search. Must not be null.field
- the name of the field to inspect for distinct values. Must not be null.collectionName
- the explicit name of the actualMongoCollection
. Must not be null.entityClass
- the domain type used for mapping theQuery
to the domain type fields.resultClass
- the result type. Must not be null.- Returns:
- never null.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
for all entities matching the givenNearQuery
. Will consider entity mapping information to determine the collection the query is ran against. Note, that MongoDB limits the number of results by default. Make sure to add an explicit limit to theNearQuery
if you expect a particular number of results.MongoDB 4.2 has removed the
command. This method uses since version 2.2 aggregations and the$geoNear
aggregation command to emulategeoNear
command functionality. We recommend using aggregations directly:TypedAggregation<T> geoNear = TypedAggregation.newAggregation(entityClass, Aggregation.geoNear(near, "dis")) .withOptions(AggregationOptions.builder().collation(near.getCollation()).build()); AggregationResults<Document> results = aggregate(geoNear, Document.class);
- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- must not be null.entityClass
- must not be null.- Returns:
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
for all entities matching the givenNearQuery
. Note, that MongoDB limits the number of results by default. Make sure to add an explicit limit to theNearQuery
if you expect a particular number of results.MongoDB 4.2 has removed the
command. This method uses since version 2.2 aggregations and the$geoNear
aggregation command to emulategeoNear
command functionality. We recommend using aggregations directly:TypedAggregation<T> geoNear = TypedAggregation.newAggregation(entityClass, Aggregation.geoNear(near, "dis")) .withOptions(AggregationOptions.builder().collation(near.getCollation()).build()); AggregationResults<Document> results = aggregate(geoNear, Document.class);
- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- must not be null.domainType
- must not be null.collectionName
- the collection to trigger the query against. If no collection name is given the entity class will be inspected. Must not be null nor empty.- Returns:
public <T> GeoResults<T> geoNear(NearQuery near, Class<?> domainType, String collectionName, Class<T> returnType) -
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Triggers findAndModify to apply providedUpdate
on documents matchingCriteria
of givenQuery
.A potential
property of the entityClass will be auto-incremented if not explicitly specified in the update.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies theCriteria
used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
to apply on matching documents. Must not be null.entityClass
- the parametrized type. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the converted object that was updated before it was updated or null, if not found.
- See Also:
@Nullable public <T> T findAndModify(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Triggers findAndModify to apply providedUpdate
on documents matchingCriteria
of givenQuery
.A potential
property of the entityClass will be auto-incremented if not explicitly specified in the update.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies theCriteria
used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
to apply on matching documents. Must not be null.entityClass
- the parametrized type. Must not be null.collectionName
- the collection to query. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the converted object that was updated before it was updated or null, if not found.
- See Also:
@Nullable public <T> T findAndModify(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, FindAndModifyOptions options, Class<T> entityClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Triggers findAndModify to apply providedUpdate
on documents matchingCriteria
of givenQuery
into account.A potential
property of the entityClass will be auto-incremented if not explicitly specified in the update.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies theCriteria
used to find a record and also an optional fields specification.update
- theUpdateDefinition
to apply on matching documents.options
- theFindAndModifyOptions
holding additional information.entityClass
- the parametrized type.- Returns:
- the converted object that was updated or null, if not found. Depending on the value of
this will either be the object as it was before the update or as it is after the update. - See Also:
@Nullable public <T> T findAndModify(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, FindAndModifyOptions options, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Triggers findAndModify to apply providedUpdate
on documents matchingCriteria
of givenQuery
into account.A potential
property of the entityClass will be auto-incremented if not explicitly specified in the update.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies theCriteria
used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
to apply on matching documents. Must not be null.options
- theFindAndModifyOptions
holding additional information. Must not be null.entityClass
- the parametrized type. Must not be null.collectionName
- the collection to query. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the converted object that was updated or null, if not found. Depending on the value of
this will either be the object as it was before the update or as it is after the update. - See Also:
public <S,T> T findAndReplace(Query query, S replacement, FindAndReplaceOptions options, Class<S> entityType, String collectionName, Class<T> resultType) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Triggers findOneAndReplace to replace a single document matchingCriteria
of givenQuery
with thereplacement
document takingFindAndReplaceOptions
into account.
NOTE: The replacement entity must not hold an id.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies theCriteria
used to find a record and also an optional fields specification. Must not be null.replacement
- the replacement document. Must not be null.options
- theFindAndModifyOptions
holding additional information. Must not be null.entityType
- the type used for mapping theQuery
to domain type fields. Must not be null.collectionName
- the collection to query. Must not be null.resultType
- the parametrized type projection return type. Must not be null, use the domain type ofObject.class
instead.- Returns:
- the converted object that was updated or null, if not found. Depending on the value of
this will either be the object as it was before the update or as it is after the update.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the collection for the entity type to a single instance of an object of the specified type. The first document that matches the query is returned and also removed from the collection in the database.
The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of .
The query is specified as aQuery
which can be created either using theBasicQuery
or the more feature richQuery
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification.entityClass
- the parametrized type of the returned list.- Returns:
- the converted object
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a single instance of an object of the specified type. The first document that matches the query is returned and also removed from the collection in the database.
The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
The query is specified as aQuery
which can be created either using theBasicQuery
or the more feature richQuery
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields specification.entityClass
- the parametrized type of the returned list.collectionName
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects from.- Returns:
- the converted object.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns the number of documents for the givenQuery
by querying the collection of the given entity class.
NOTE: Queryoffset
can have direct influence on the resulting number of documents found as those values are passed on to the server and potentially limit the range and order within which the server performs the count operation. Use an unpaged query to count all matches.
This method may choose to useMongoOperations.estimatedCount(Class)
for empty queries instead of running anaggregation execution
which may have an impact on performance.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies the criteria used to find documents. Must not be null.entityClass
- class that determines the collection to use. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the count of matching documents.
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns the number of documents for the givenQuery
querying the given collection. The givenQuery
must solely consist of document field references as we lack type information to map potential property references onto document fields. UseMongoOperations.count(Query, Class, String)
to get full type specific support.
NOTE: Queryoffset
can have direct influence on the resulting number of documents found as those values are passed on to the server and potentially limit the range and order within which the server performs the count operation. Use an unpaged query to count all matches.
This method may choose to useMongoOperations.estimatedCount(Class)
for empty queries instead of running anaggregation execution
which may have an impact on performance.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies the criteria used to find documents.collectionName
- must not be null or empty.- Returns:
- the count of matching documents.
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns the number of documents for the givenQuery
by querying the given collection using the given entity class to map the givenQuery
NOTE: Queryoffset
can have direct influence on the resulting number of documents found as those values are passed on to the server and potentially limit the range and order within which the server performs the count operation. Use an unpaged query to count all matches.
This method may choose to useMongoOperations.estimatedCount(Class)
for empty queries instead of running anaggregation execution
which may have an impact on performance.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies the criteria used to find documents. Must not be null.entityClass
- the parametrized type. Can be null.collectionName
- must not be null or empty.- Returns:
- the count of matching documents.
- See Also:
protected long doCount(CollectionPreparer collectionPreparer, String collectionName, org.bson.Document filter, com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions options) -
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Estimate the number of documents in the given collection based on collection statistics.
Please make sure to read the MongoDB reference documentation about limitations on eg. sharded cluster or inside transactions.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
- the estimated number of documents.
protected long doEstimatedCount(CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, String collectionName, com.mongodb.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions options) -
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns the number of documents for the givenQuery
by querying the given collection using the given entity class to map the givenQuery
NOTE: Queryoffset
can have direct influence on the resulting number of documents found as those values are passed on to the server and potentially limit the range and order within which the server performs the count operation. Use an unpaged query to count all matches.
This method uses anaggregation execution
even for emptyqueries
which may have an impact on performance, but guarantees shard, session and transaction compliance. In case an inaccurate count satisfies the applications needs useMongoOperations.estimatedCount(String)
for empty queries instead.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- theQuery
class that specifies the criteria used to find documents. Must not be null.entityClass
- the parametrized type. Can be null.collectionName
- must not be null or empty.- Returns:
- the count of matching documents.
protected long doExactCount(CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, String collectionName, org.bson.Document filter, com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions options) -
protected boolean countCanBeEstimated(org.bson.Document filter, com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions options) -
public <T> T insert(T objectToSave) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Insert the object into the collection for the entity type of the object to save.
The object is converted to the MongoDB native representation using an instance of .
If your object has an Id property which holds a null value, it will be set with the generated Id from MongoDB. If your Id property is a String then MongoDB ObjectId will be used to populate that string. Otherwise, the conversion from ObjectId to your property type will be handled by Spring's BeanWrapper class that leverages Type Conversion API. See Spring's Type Conversion" for more details.
Insert is used to initially store the object into the database. To update an existing object use
method.Inserting new objects will trigger
property initialization.The
must not be collection-like.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the object to store in the collection. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the inserted object.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Insert the object into the specified collection.
The object is converted to the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
Insert is used to initially store the object into the database. To update an existing object use the save method.Inserting new objects will trigger
property initialization.The
must not be collection-like.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the object to store in the collection. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to store the object in. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the inserted object.
- Parameters:
- can be null.- Since:
- 3.2.
protected com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> prepareCollection(com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> collection) Prepare the collection before any processing is done using it. This allows a convenient way to apply settings like withCodecRegistry() etc. Can be overridden in sub-classes.- Parameters:
Prepare the WriteConcern before any processing is done using it. This allows a convenient way to apply custom settings in sub-classes.
In case of using MongoDB Java driver version 3 the returnedWriteConcern
will be defaulted toWriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED
is set toWriteResultChecking.EXCEPTION
.- Parameters:
- any MongoAction already configured or null- Returns:
- The prepared WriteConcern or null
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Insert a Collection of objects into a collection in a single batch write to the database.If an object within the batch has an Id property which holds a null value, it will be set with the generated Id from MongoDB.
Inserting new objects will trigger
property initialization.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the batch of objects to save. Must not be null.entityClass
- class that determines the collection to use. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the inserted objects that.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Insert a batch of objects into the specified collection in a single batch write to the database.If an object within the batch has an Id property which holds a null value, it will be set with the generated Id from MongoDB.
Inserting new objects will trigger
property initialization.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the list of objects to save. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to store the object in. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the inserted objects that.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Insert a mixed Collection of objects into a database collection determining the collection name to use based on the class.If an object within the batch has an Id property which holds a null value, it will be set with the generated Id from MongoDB.
Inserting new objects will trigger
property initialization.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the list of objects to save. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the inserted objects.
protected <T> Collection<T> doInsertBatch(String collectionName, Collection<? extends T> batchToSave, MongoWriter<T> writer) -
public <T> T save(T objectToSave) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Save the object to the collection for the entity type of the object to save. This will perform an insert if the object is not already present, that is an 'upsert'.
The object is converted to the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
If your object has an "Id' property, it will be set with the generated Id from MongoDB. If your Id property is a String then MongoDB ObjectId will be used to populate that string. Otherwise, the conversion from ObjectId to your property type will be handled by Spring's BeanWrapper class that leverages Type Conversion API. See Spring's Type Conversion" for more details.A potential
the property will be auto incremented. The operation raises an error in case the document has been modified in between.The
must not be collection-like.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the object to store in the collection. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the saved object.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Save the object to the specified collection. This will perform an insert if the object is not already present, that is an 'upsert'.
The object is converted to the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
If your object has an "Id' property, it will be set with the generated Id from MongoDB. If your Id property is a String then MongoDB ObjectId will be used to populate that string. Otherwise, the conversion from ObjectId to your property type will be handled by Spring's BeanWrapper class that leverages Type Conversion API. See Spring's Type Conversion for more details.A potential
the property will be auto incremented. The operation raises an error in case the document has been modified in between.The
must not be collection-like.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the object to store in the collection. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to store the object in. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the saved object.
public com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult upsert(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Performs an upsert. If no document is found that matches the query, a new document is created and inserted by combining the query document and the update document.A potential
property of the entityClass will be auto-incremented if not explicitly specified in the update.NOTE:
is not supported bydb.collection.updateOne
. UseMongoOperations.findAndModify(Query, UpdateDefinition, FindAndModifyOptions, Class, String)
instead.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be upserted. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
that contains the updated object or$
operators to manipulate the existing object. Must not be null.entityClass
- class that determines the collection to use. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous write. - See Also:
public com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult upsert(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Performs an upsert. If no document is found that matches the query, a new document is created and inserted by combining the query document and the update document.
NOTE: Any additional support for field mapping, versions, etc. is not available due to the lack of domain type information. UseMongoOperations.upsert(Query, UpdateDefinition, Class, String)
to get full type specific support.
is not supported bydb.collection.updateOne
. UseMongoOperations.findAndModify(Query, UpdateDefinition, FindAndModifyOptions, Class, String)
instead.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be upserted. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
that contains the updated object or$
operators to manipulate the existing object. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to update the object in.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous write. - See Also:
public com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult upsert(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Performs an upsert. If no document is found that matches the query, a new document is created and inserted by combining the query document and the update document.A potential
property of the entityClass will be auto-incremented if not explicitly specified in the update.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be upserted. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
that contains the updated object or$
operators to manipulate the existing object. Must not be null.entityClass
- class of the pojo to be operated on. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to update the object in. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous write. - See Also:
public com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult updateFirst(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Updates the first object that is found in the collection of the entity class that matches the query document with the provided update document.A potential
property of the entityClass will be auto-incremented if not explicitly specified in the update.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
that contains the updated object or$
operators to manipulate the existing. Must not be null.entityClass
- class that determines the collection to use.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous write. - See Also:
public com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult updateFirst(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Updates the first object that is found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated document.
NOTE: Any additional support for field mapping, versions, etc. is not available due to the lack of domain type information. UseMongoOperations.updateFirst(Query, UpdateDefinition, Class, String)
to get full type specific support.
is not supported bydb.collection.updateOne
. UseMongoOperations.findAndModify(Query, UpdateDefinition, Class, String)
instead.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
that contains the updated object or$
operators to manipulate the existing. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to update the object in. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous write. - See Also:
public com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult updateFirst(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Updates the first object that is found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated document.A potential
property of the entityClass will be auto incremented if not explicitly specified in the update.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
that contains the updated object or$
operators to manipulate the existing. Must not be null.entityClass
- class of the pojo to be operated on. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to update the object in. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous write. - See Also:
public com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Updates all objects that are found in the collection for the entity class that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated document.A potential
property of the entityClass will be auto incremented if not explicitly specified in the update.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
that contains the updated object or$
operators to manipulate the existing. Must not be null.entityClass
- class of the pojo to be operated on. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous write. - See Also:
public com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Updates all objects that are found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated document.
NOTE: Any additional support for field mapping, versions, etc. is not available due to the lack of domain type information. UseMongoOperations.updateMulti(Query, UpdateDefinition, Class, String)
to get full type specific support.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
that contains the updated object or$
operators to manipulate the existing. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to update the object in. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous write. - See Also:
public com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Updates all objects that are found in the collection for the entity class that matches the query document criteria with the provided updated document.A potential
property of the entityClass will be auto incremented if not explicitly specified in the update.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be null.update
- theUpdateDefinition
that contains the updated object or$
operators to manipulate the existing. Must not be null.entityClass
- class of the pojo to be operated on. Must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection to update the object in. Must not be null.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous write. - See Also:
protected com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult doUpdate(String collectionName, Query query, UpdateDefinition update, @Nullable Class<?> entityClass, boolean upsert, boolean multi) -
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Remove the given object from the collection by id and (if applicable) itsVersion
for insight whether anacknowledged
remove operation was successful or not.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous delete.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Removes the given object from the given collection by id and (if applicable) itsVersion
for insight whether anacknowledged
remove operation was successful or not.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- must not be null.collectionName
- name of the collection where the objects will removed, must not be null or empty.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous delete.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Remove all documents from the specified collection that match the provided query document criteria. There is no conversion/mapping done for any criteria using the id field.
NOTE: Any additional support for field mapping is not available due to the lack of domain type information. UseMongoOperations.remove(Query, Class, String)
to get full type specific support.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to remove a record.collectionName
- name of the collection where the objects will removed, must not be null or empty.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous delete.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Remove all documents that match the provided query document criteria from the collection used to store the entityClass. The Class parameter is also used to help convert the Id of the object if it is present in the query.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to remove a record.entityClass
- class that determines the collection to use.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous delete.
public com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult remove(Query query, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Remove all documents that match the provided query document criteria from the collection used to store the entityClass. The Class parameter is also used to help convert the Id of the object if it is present in the query.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to remove a record.entityClass
- class of the pojo to be operated on. Can be null.collectionName
- name of the collection where the objects will removed, must not be null or empty.- Returns:
- the
which lets you access the results of the previous delete.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Query for a list of objects of type T from the collection used by the entity class.
The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
If your collection does not contain a homogeneous collection of types, this operation will not be an efficient way to map objects since the test for class type is done in the client and not on the server.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the parametrized type of the returned list.- Returns:
- the converted collection.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Query for a list of objects of type T from the specified collection.
The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . Unless configured otherwise, an instance ofMappingMongoConverter
will be used.
If your collection does not contain a homogeneous collection of types, this operation will not be an efficient way to map objects since the test for class type is done in the client and not on the server.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the parametrized type of the returned list.collectionName
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects from.- Returns:
- the converted collection.
public <T> MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, Class<T> entityClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute a map-reduce operation. The map-reduce operation will be formed with an output type of INLINE- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the collection where the map-reduce will read from. Must not be null.mapFunction
- The JavaScript map function.reduceFunction
- The JavaScript reduce functionentityClass
- The parametrized type of the returned list. Must not be null.- Returns:
- The results of the map reduce operation
public <T> MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, @Nullable MapReduceOptions mapReduceOptions, Class<T> entityClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute a map-reduce operation that takes additional map-reduce options.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the collection where the map-reduce will read from. Must not be null.mapFunction
- The JavaScript map functionreduceFunction
- The JavaScript reduce functionmapReduceOptions
- Options that specify detailed map-reduce behavior.entityClass
- The parametrized type of the returned list. Must not be null.- Returns:
- The results of the map reduce operation
public <T> MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(Query query, String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, Class<T> entityClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute a map-reduce operation that takes a query. The map-reduce operation will be formed with an output type of INLINE- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- The query to use to select the data for the map phase. Must not be null.inputCollectionName
- the collection where the map-reduce will read from. Must not be null.mapFunction
- The JavaScript map functionreduceFunction
- The JavaScript reduce functionentityClass
- The parametrized type of the returned list. Must not be null.- Returns:
- The results of the map reduce operation
public <T> MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(Query query, String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, @Nullable MapReduceOptions mapReduceOptions, Class<T> entityClass) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute a map-reduce operation that takes a query and additional map-reduce options- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- The query to use to select the data for the map phase. Must not be null.inputCollectionName
- the collection where the map-reduce will read from. Must not be null.mapFunction
- The JavaScript map functionreduceFunction
- The JavaScript reduce functionmapReduceOptions
- Options that specify detailed map-reduce behaviorentityClass
- The parametrized type of the returned list. Must not be null.- Returns:
- The results of the map reduce operation
@Deprecated public <T> List<T> mapReduce(Query query, Class<?> domainType, String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, @Nullable MapReduceOptions mapReduceOptions, Class<T> resultType) Deprecated.since 3.4 in favor ofaggregate(TypedAggregation, Class)
.- Parameters:
-- Returns:
- Since:
- 2.1
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute an aggregation operation. The raw results will be mapped to the given entity class. The name of the inputCollection is derived from the inputType of the aggregation.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- TheTypedAggregation
specification holding the aggregation operations, must not be null.outputType
- The parametrized type of the returned list, must not be null.- Returns:
- The results of the aggregation operation.
public <O> AggregationResults<O> aggregate(TypedAggregation<?> aggregation, String inputCollectionName, Class<O> outputType) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute an aggregation operation. The raw results will be mapped to the given entity class. The name of the inputCollection is derived from the inputType of the aggregation.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- TheTypedAggregation
specification holding the aggregation operations, must not be null.inputCollectionName
- The name of the input collection to use for the aggreation.outputType
- The parametrized type of the returned list, must not be null.- Returns:
- The results of the aggregation operation.
public <O> AggregationResults<O> aggregate(Aggregation aggregation, Class<?> inputType, Class<O> outputType) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute an aggregation operation. The raw results will be mapped to the given entity class.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- TheAggregation
specification holding the aggregation operations, must not be null.inputType
- the inputType where the aggregation operation will read from, must not be null or empty.outputType
- The parametrized type of the returned list, must not be null.- Returns:
- The results of the aggregation operation.
public <O> AggregationResults<O> aggregate(Aggregation aggregation, String collectionName, Class<O> outputType) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute an aggregation operation. The raw results will be mapped to the given entity class.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- TheAggregation
specification holding the aggregation operations, must not be null.collectionName
- the collection where the aggregation operation will read from, must not be null or empty.outputType
- The parametrized type of the returned list, must not be null.- Returns:
- The results of the aggregation operation.
public <O> Stream<O> aggregateStream(TypedAggregation<?> aggregation, String inputCollectionName, Class<O> outputType) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute an aggregation operation backed by a Mongo DBAggregateIterable
.Returns a
that wraps the Mongo DBAggregateIterable
that needs to be closed. The raw results will be mapped to the given entity class. The name of the inputCollection is derived from the inputType of the aggregation.Aggregation streaming can't be used with
aggregation explain
. Enabling explanation mode will throw anIllegalArgumentException
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- TheTypedAggregation
specification holding the aggregation operations, must not be null.inputCollectionName
- The name of the input collection to use for the aggreation.outputType
- The parametrized type of the returned list, must not be null.- Returns:
- the result
, containing mapped objects, needing to be closed once fully processed (e.g. through a try-with-resources clause).
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute an aggregation operation backed by a Mongo DBAggregateIterable
.Returns a
that wraps the Mongo DBAggregateIterable
that needs to be closed. The raw results will be mapped to the given entity class and are returned as stream. The name of the inputCollection is derived from the inputType of the aggregation.Aggregation streaming can't be used with
aggregation explain
. Enabling explanation mode will throw anIllegalArgumentException
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- TheTypedAggregation
specification holding the aggregation operations, must not be null.outputType
- The parametrized type of the returned list, must not be null.- Returns:
- the result
, containing mapped objects, needing to be closed once fully processed (e.g. through a try-with-resources clause).
public <O> Stream<O> aggregateStream(Aggregation aggregation, Class<?> inputType, Class<O> outputType) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute an aggregation operation backed by a Mongo DBAggregateIterable
.Returns a
that wraps the Mongo DBAggregateIterable
that needs to be closed. The raw results will be mapped to the given entity class.Aggregation streaming can't be used with
aggregation explain
. Enabling explanation mode will throw anIllegalArgumentException
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- TheAggregation
specification holding the aggregation operations, must not be null.inputType
- the inputType where the aggregation operation will read from, must not be null or empty.outputType
- The parametrized type of the returned list, must not be null.- Returns:
- the result
, containing mapped objects, needing to be closed once fully processed (e.g. through a try-with-resources clause).
public <O> Stream<O> aggregateStream(Aggregation aggregation, String collectionName, Class<O> outputType) Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Execute an aggregation operation backed by a Mongo DBAggregateIterable
.Returns a
that wraps the Mongo DBAggregateIterable
that needs to be closed. The raw results will be mapped to the given entity class.Aggregation streaming can't be used with
aggregation explain
. Enabling explanation mode will throw anIllegalArgumentException
.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- TheAggregation
specification holding the aggregation operations, must not be null.collectionName
- the collection where the aggregation operation will read from, must not be null or empty.outputType
- The parametrized type of the returned list, must not be null.- Returns:
- the result
, containing mapped objects, needing to be closed once fully processed (e.g. through a try-with-resources clause).
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns and removes all documents form the specified collection that match the provided query.
NOTE: Any additional support for field mapping is not available due to the lack of domain type information. UseMongoOperations.findAllAndRemove(Query, Class, String)
to get full type specific support.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to find and remove documents.collectionName
- name of the collection where the objects will removed, must not be null or empty.- Returns:
- the
converted objects deleted by this operation.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns and removes all documents matching the given query form the collection used to store the entityClass.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to find and remove documents.entityClass
- class of the pojo to be operated on.- Returns:
- the
converted objects deleted by this operation.
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
Returns and removes all documents that match the provided query document criteria from the collection used to store the entityClass. The Class parameter is also used to help convert the Id of the object if it is present in the query.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Parameters:
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to find and remove documents.entityClass
- class of the pojo to be operated on.collectionName
- name of the collection where the objects will removed, must not be null or empty.- Returns:
- the
converted objects deleted by this operation.
Retrieve and remove all documents matching the givenquery
by callingfind(Query, Class, String)
andremove(Query, Class, String)
, whereas theQuery
forremove(Query, Class, String)
is constructed out of the find result.- Parameters:
-- Returns:
protected <O> AggregationResults<O> aggregate(Aggregation aggregation, String collectionName, Class<O> outputType, @Nullable AggregationOperationContext context) -
protected <O> AggregationResults<O> doAggregate(Aggregation aggregation, String collectionName, Class<O> outputType, AggregationOperationContext context) -
protected <O> Stream<O> aggregateStream(Aggregation aggregation, String collectionName, Class<O> outputType, @Nullable AggregationOperationContext context) -
Description copied from interface:ExecutableFindOperation
Start creating a find operation for the given domainType.- Specified by:
in interfaceExecutableFindOperation
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
- new instance of
Description copied from interface:ExecutableUpdateOperation
Start creating an update operation for the given domainType.- Specified by:
in interfaceExecutableUpdateOperation
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
- new instance of
Description copied from interface:ExecutableRemoveOperation
Start creating a remove operation for the given domainType.- Specified by:
in interfaceExecutableRemoveOperation
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
- new instance of
public <T> ExecutableAggregationOperation.ExecutableAggregation<T> aggregateAndReturn(Class<T> domainType) Description copied from interface:ExecutableAggregationOperation
Start creating an aggregation operation that returns results mapped to the given domain type.
to specify a potentially different input type for he aggregation.- Specified by:
in interfaceExecutableAggregationOperation
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
- new instance of
Description copied from interface:ExecutableMapReduceOperation
Start creating a mapReduce operation for the given domainType.- Specified by:
in interfaceExecutableMapReduceOperation
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
- new instance of
Description copied from interface:ExecutableInsertOperation
Start creating an insert operation for given domainType.- Specified by:
in interfaceExecutableInsertOperation
- Parameters:
- must not be null.- Returns:
- new instance of
Description copied from interface:MongoOperations
A set of collection names.- Specified by:
in interfaceMongoOperations
- Returns:
- list of collection names.
public com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase getDb() -
protected com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase doGetDatabase() -
protected com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase prepareDatabase(com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase database) -
protected com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> doCreateCollection(String collectionName, org.bson.Document collectionOptions) Create the specified collection using the provided options- Parameters:
-- Returns:
- the collection that was created
protected com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> doCreateCollection(String collectionName, com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions collectionOptions) Create the specified collection using the provided options- Parameters:
-- Returns:
- the collection that was created
- Since:
- 3.3.3
@Nullable protected <T> T doFindOne(String collectionName, CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, Class<T> entityClass) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to an object using the template's converter. The query document is specified as a standardDocument
and so is the fields specification.- Parameters:
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects from.collectionPreparer
- the preparer to prepare the collection for the actual use.query
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to find a record.fields
- the document that specifies the fields to be returned.entityClass
- the parameterized type of the returned list.- Returns:
- the converted object or null if none exists.
@Nullable protected <T> T doFindOne(String collectionName, CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, CursorPreparer preparer, Class<T> entityClass) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to an object using the template's converter. The query document is specified as a standardDocument
and so is the fields specification.- Parameters:
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects from.collectionPreparer
- the preparer to prepare the collection for the actual use.query
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to find a record.fields
- the document that specifies the fields to be returned.preparer
- the preparer used to modify the cursor on execution.entityClass
- the parameterized type of the returned list.- Returns:
- the converted object or null if none exists.
- Since:
- 2.2
protected <T> List<T> doFind(String collectionName, CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, Class<T> entityClass) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to a List using the template's converter. The query document is specified as a standard Document and so is the fields specification.- Parameters:
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects fromcollectionPreparer
- the preparer to prepare the collection for the actual use.query
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to find a recordfields
- the document that specifies the fields to be returnedentityClass
- the parameterized type of the returned list.- Returns:
- the List of converted objects.
protected <T> List<T> doFind(String collectionName, CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, Class<T> entityClass, CursorPreparer preparer) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to a List of the specified type. The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of . The query document is specified as a standard Document and so is the fields specification.- Parameters:
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects from.collectionPreparer
- the preparer to prepare the collection for the actual use.query
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to find a record.fields
- the document that specifies the fields to be returned.entityClass
- the parameterized type of the returned list.preparer
- allows for customization of theFindIterable
used when iterating over the result set, (apply limits, skips and so on).- Returns:
- the
of converted objects.
protected <S,T> List<T> doFind(String collectionName, CollectionPreparer<com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection<org.bson.Document>> collectionPreparer, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, Class<S> entityClass, @Nullable CursorPreparer preparer,<T> objectCallback) -
protected org.bson.Document convertToDocument(@Nullable CollectionOptions collectionOptions, Class<?> targetType) Convert givenCollectionOptions
to a document and take the domain type information into account when creating a mapped schema for validation.- Parameters:
- can be null.targetType
- must not be null. UseObject
type instead.- Returns:
- never null.
- Since:
- 2.1
protected <T> T doFindAndRemove(CollectionPreparer collectionPreparer, String collectionName, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, org.bson.Document sort, @Nullable Collation collation, Class<T> entityClass) Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the default MongoDB collection to an object using the template's converter. The first document that matches the query is returned and also removed from the collection in the database.
The query document is specified as a standard Document and so is the fields specification.- Parameters:
- name of the collection to retrieve the objects fromquery
- the query document that specifies the criteria used to find a recordentityClass
- the parameterized type of the returned list.- Returns:
- the List of converted objects.
protected <T> T doFindAndModify(CollectionPreparer collectionPreparer, String collectionName, org.bson.Document query, org.bson.Document fields, org.bson.Document sort, Class<T> entityClass, UpdateDefinition update, @Nullable FindAndModifyOptions options) -
@Nullable protected <T> T doFindAndReplace(CollectionPreparer collectionPreparer, String collectionName, org.bson.Document mappedQuery, org.bson.Document mappedFields, org.bson.Document mappedSort, @Nullable com.mongodb.client.model.Collation collation, Class<?> entityType, org.bson.Document replacement, FindAndReplaceOptions options, Class<T> resultType) Customize this part for findAndReplace.- Parameters:
- The name of the collection to perform the operation in.mappedQuery
- the query to look up documents.mappedFields
- the fields to project the result to.mappedSort
- the sort to be applied when executing the query.collation
- collation settings for the query. Can be null.entityType
- the source domain type.replacement
- the replacementDocument
- applicable options.resultType
- the target domain type.- Returns:
- null if object does not exist,
return new
is false andupsert
is false.
Populates the id property of the saved object, if it's not set already.- Parameters:
- Returns:
- the
in use. - Since:
- 3.1.4
aggregate(TypedAggregation, Class)