Spring BlazeDS Integration

Uses of Interface

Packages that use MessageInterceptor
org.springframework.flex.core Foundational infrastructure for configuring and bootstrapping BlazeDS in a Spring WebApplicationContext. 
org.springframework.flex.security3 Integration support for Spring Security. 

Uses of MessageInterceptor in org.springframework.flex.core

Subinterfaces of MessageInterceptor in org.springframework.flex.core
 interface ResourceHandlingMessageInterceptor
          Extension of the MessageInterceptor interface that adds an additional callback to be invoked after standard message processing is completed.

Methods in org.springframework.flex.core that return types with arguments of type MessageInterceptor
 Set<MessageInterceptor> MessageInterceptionAdvice.getMessageInterceptors()
          Returns the chain of provided MessageInterceptors

Method parameters in org.springframework.flex.core with type arguments of type MessageInterceptor
 void MessageInterceptionAdvice.setMessageInterceptors(Set<MessageInterceptor> messageInterceptors)
          Sets the chain of provided MessageInterceptors

Uses of MessageInterceptor in org.springframework.flex.security3

Classes in org.springframework.flex.security3 that implement MessageInterceptor
 class EndpointInterceptor
          Security interceptor that secures messages being passed to BlazeDS endpoints based on the security attributes configured for the endpoint being invoked.
 class LoginMessageInterceptor
          MessageInterceptor implementation that replaces the standard login success message with one that contains relevant information about the logged in user.
 class PerClientAuthenticationInterceptor
          MessageInterceptor implementation that handles setup and teardown of the SecurityContext for the current request when using per-client authentication.

Spring BlazeDS Integration

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