Package org.springframework.transaction.interceptor

AOP-based solution for declarative transaction demarcation.


Interface Summary
TransactionAttribute This interface adds a rollBackOn specification to TransactionDefinition.
TransactionAttributeSource Interface used by TransactionInterceptor.

Class Summary
AttributesTransactionAttributeSource Implementation of TransactionAttributeSource that uses attributes from an Attributes implementation.
DefaultTransactionAttribute Transaction attribute that takes the EJB approach to rolling back on runtime, but not checked, exceptions.
MatchAlwaysTransactionAttributeSource Very simple implementation of TransactionAttributeSource which will always return the same TransactionAttribute for all methods fed to it.
MethodMapTransactionAttributeSource Simple implementation of TransactionAttributeSource that allows attributes to be stored per method in a map.
NameMatchTransactionAttributeSource Simple implementation of TransactionAttributeSource that allows attributes to be matched by registered name.
NoRollbackRuleAttribute Tag class.
RollbackRuleAttribute Rule determining whether or not a given exception (and any subclasses) should cause a rollback.
RuleBasedTransactionAttribute TransactionAttribute implementation that works out whether a given exception should cause transaction rollback by applying a number of rollback rules, both positive and negative.
TransactionAttributeEditor PropertyEditor for TransactionAttribute objects.
TransactionAttributeSourceEditor Property editor that can convert String into TransactionAttributeSource.
TransactionAttributeSourceTransactionAroundAdvisor InterceptionAroundAdvisor driven by a TransactionAttributeSource.
TransactionInterceptor Interceptor providing declarative transaction management using the common Spring transaction infrastructure.
TransactionProxyFactoryBean Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative transaction handling.

Package org.springframework.transaction.interceptor Description

AOP-based solution for declarative transaction demarcation. Builds on the AOP infrastructure in org.springframework.aop.framework. Any POJO can be transactionally advised with Spring.
The TransactionFactoryProxyBean can be used to create transactional AOP proxies transparently to code that uses them.
The TransactionInterceptor is the AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that delivers transactional advice, based on the Spring transaction abstraction. This allows declarative transaction management without JTA if an application uses only a single database.
If you require programmatic rollback, call the setRollbackOnly() method on the TransactionStatus object returned from the TransactionInterceptor's static currentTransactionStatus() method. Invoking this method outside a Spring transactionally advised AOP invocation is a programming error and will result in a runtime exception.

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