
Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.context package, such as WebApplicationContext implementations, and a utility class for retrieval of the root application context etc.


Class Summary
PerformanceMonitorListener Listener that logs the response times of web requests.
RequestHandledEvent Event raised when a request is handled by our web framework.
ServletContextAwareProcessor BeanPostProcessor implementation that passes the ServletContext to beans that implement the ApplicationContextAware or ResourceLoaderAware interfaces.
ServletContextResource Resource implementation for ServletContext resources, interpreting relative paths within the web application root.
StaticWebApplicationContext Static WebApplicationContext implementation for testing.
WebApplicationContextUtils Convenience methods to retrieve the root WebApplicationContext for a given ServletContext.
WebApplicationObjectSupport Convenient superclass for application objects running in a WebApplicationContext.
XmlWebApplicationContext WebApplicationContext implementation that takes configuration from an XML document.

Package Description

Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.context package, such as WebApplicationContext implementations, and a utility class for retrieval of the root application context etc.

Copyright (C) 2003-2004 The Spring Framework Project.