Package org.springframework.web.util

Miscellaneous web utility classes, such as HTML escaping, Log4J initialization, and cookie handling.


Class Summary
ExpressionEvaluationUtils Convenience methods for easy access to the JSP Expression Language evaluator of Jakarta's JSTL implementation.
HtmlUtils Utility class for HTML escaping.
Log4jConfigListener Bootstrap listener for custom Log4J initialization in a web environment.
Log4jConfigServlet Bootstrap servlet for custom Log4J initialization in a web environment.
Log4jWebConfigurer Convenience class that performs custom Log4J initialization for web environments, supporting 2 init parameters at the servlet context level (i.e.
TagUtils Utility class to transform Strings to scopes:
page will be transformed to PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE request will be transformed to PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE
session will be transformed to PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE
application will be transformed to PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE
UrlPathHelper Helper class for URL path matching.
WebAppRootListener Listener that sets a system property to the web application root directory.
WebUtils Miscellaneous utilities for web applications.

Package org.springframework.web.util Description

Miscellaneous web utility classes, such as HTML escaping, Log4J initialization, and cookie handling.

Copyright (C) 2003-2004 The Spring Framework Project.