Uses of Class

Packages that use JndiTemplate
org.springframework.jndi The classes in this package make JNDI easier to use, facilitating the accessing of configuration stored in JNDI, and provide useful superclasses for JNDI access classes. The simplest implementation of the JNDI SPI that could possibly work.  
org.springframework.transaction.jta Transaction SPI implementation for JTA. 

Uses of JndiTemplate in org.springframework.jndi

Methods in org.springframework.jndi that return JndiTemplate
 JndiTemplate AbstractJndiLocator.getJndiTemplate()
          Return the JNDI template to use for the JNDI lookup.

Methods in org.springframework.jndi with parameters of type JndiTemplate
 void AbstractJndiLocator.setJndiTemplate(JndiTemplate jndiTemplate)
          Set the JNDI template to use for the JNDI lookup.

Uses of JndiTemplate in

Subclasses of JndiTemplate in
 class ExpectedLookupTemplate
          Simple implementation of JndiTemplate interface that always returns a given object.

Uses of JndiTemplate in org.springframework.transaction.jta

Methods in org.springframework.transaction.jta with parameters of type JndiTemplate
 void JtaTransactionManager.setJndiTemplate(JndiTemplate jndiTemplate)
          Set the JndiTemplate to use for JNDI lookups.

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