Uses of Class

Packages that use NativeJdbcExtractorAdapter Provides a mechanism for extracting native implementations of JDBC interfaces from wrapper objects that got returned from connection pools.  

Uses of NativeJdbcExtractorAdapter in

Subclasses of NativeJdbcExtractorAdapter in
 class CommonsDbcpNativeJdbcExtractor
          Implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface for the Jakarta Commons DBCP connection pool.
 class JBossNativeJdbcExtractor
          Implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface for the JBoss 3.2 connection pool.
 class SimpleNativeJdbcExtractor
          Simple implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface.
 class WebLogicNativeJdbcExtractor
          Implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface for WebLogic Server.
 class XAPoolNativeJdbcExtractor
          Implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface for ObjectWeb's XAPool.

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