Uses of Package

Packages that use org.springframework.jndi
org.springframework.ejb.access This package contains classes that allow easy access to EJBs.  
org.springframework.jndi The classes in this package make JNDI easier to use, facilitating the accessing of configuration stored in JNDI, and provide useful superclasses for JNDI access classes.  
org.springframework.mock.jndi The simplest implementation of the JNDI SPI that could possibly work.  
org.springframework.transaction.jta Transaction SPI implementation for JTA. 

Classes in org.springframework.jndi used by org.springframework.ejb.access
          Convenient superclass for JNDI-based Service Locators.

Classes in org.springframework.jndi used by org.springframework.jndi
          Convenient superclass for JNDI-based Service Locators.
          Callback interface to be implemented by classes that need to perform an operation (such as a lookup) in a JNDI context.
          Helper class that simplifies JNDI operations.

Classes in org.springframework.jndi used by org.springframework.mock.jndi
          Helper class that simplifies JNDI operations.

Classes in org.springframework.jndi used by org.springframework.transaction.jta
          Helper class that simplifies JNDI operations.

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