Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyValue
org.springframework.beans This package contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans.  

Uses of PropertyValue in org.springframework.beans

Methods in org.springframework.beans that return PropertyValue
 PropertyValue[] MutablePropertyValues.getPropertyValues()
 PropertyValue MutablePropertyValues.getPropertyValue(java.lang.String propertyName)
 PropertyValue[] PropertyValues.getPropertyValues()
          Return an array of the PropertyValue objects held in this object.
 PropertyValue PropertyValues.getPropertyValue(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Return the property value with the given name.

Methods in org.springframework.beans with parameters of type PropertyValue
 MutablePropertyValues MutablePropertyValues.addPropertyValue(PropertyValue pv)
          Add a PropertyValue object, replacing any existing one for the respective property.
 void MutablePropertyValues.removePropertyValue(PropertyValue pv)
          Remove the given PropertyValue, if contained.
 void MutablePropertyValues.setPropertyValueAt(PropertyValue pv, int i)
          Modify a PropertyValue object held in this object.
 void BeanWrapperImpl.setPropertyValue(PropertyValue pv)
 void PropertyAccessor.setPropertyValue(PropertyValue pv)
          Update a property value.

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