Uses of Class

Packages that use DataRetrievalFailureException
org.springframework.jdbc The classes in this package make JDBC easier to use and reduce the likelihood of common errors. Support classes for the JDBC framework, used by the classes in the jdbc.core and jdbc.object packages.  
org.springframework.orm Root package for Spring's O/R Mapping integration classes.  
org.springframework.orm.hibernate Package providing integration of Hibernate with Spring concepts.  
org.springframework.orm.jdo Package providing integration of JDO with Spring concepts.  

Uses of DataRetrievalFailureException in org.springframework.jdbc

Subclasses of DataRetrievalFailureException in org.springframework.jdbc
 class LobRetrievalFailureException
          Exception to be thrown when a LOB could not be retrieved.

Uses of DataRetrievalFailureException in

Methods in that throw DataRetrievalFailureException
 java.lang.Number GeneratedKeyHolder.getKey()

Uses of DataRetrievalFailureException in org.springframework.orm

Subclasses of DataRetrievalFailureException in org.springframework.orm
 class ObjectRetrievalFailureException
          Exception thrown if a mapped object could not be retrieved via its identifier.

Uses of DataRetrievalFailureException in org.springframework.orm.hibernate

Subclasses of DataRetrievalFailureException in org.springframework.orm.hibernate
 class HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException
          Hibernate-specific subclass of ObjectRetrievalFailureException.

Uses of DataRetrievalFailureException in org.springframework.orm.jdo

Subclasses of DataRetrievalFailureException in org.springframework.orm.jdo
 class JdoObjectRetrievalFailureException
          JDO-specific subclass of ObjectRetrievalFailureException.

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