Uses of Interface

Packages that use LobHandler Classes supporting the org.springframework.jdbc.core package. Provides a stategy interface for Large OBject handling, with implementations for various databases.  
org.springframework.orm.hibernate Package providing integration of Hibernate with Spring concepts. Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.hibernate package.  

Uses of LobHandler in

Constructors in with parameters of type LobHandler
SqlLobValue(byte[] bytes, LobHandler lobHandler)
          Create a new BLOB value with the given byte array.
SqlLobValue(java.lang.String content, LobHandler lobHandler)
          Create a new CLOB value with the given content string.
SqlLobValue( stream, int length, LobHandler lobHandler)
          Create a new BLOB/CLOB value with the given stream.
SqlLobValue( reader, int length, LobHandler lobHandler)
          Create a new CLOB value with the given character stream.
AbstractLobCreatingPreparedStatementCallback(LobHandler lobHandler)
          Create a new AbstractLobCreatingPreparedStatementCallback for the given LobHandler.

Uses of LobHandler in

Classes in that implement LobHandler
 class DefaultLobHandler
          Default implementation of the LobHandler interface.
 class OracleLobHandler
          LobHandler implementation for Oracle databases.

Uses of LobHandler in org.springframework.orm.hibernate

Methods in org.springframework.orm.hibernate that return LobHandler
static LobHandler LocalSessionFactoryBean.getConfigTimeLobHandler()
          Return the LobHandler for the currently configured Hibernate SessionFactory, to be used by Type implementations like ClobStringType.

Methods in org.springframework.orm.hibernate with parameters of type LobHandler
 void LocalSessionFactoryBean.setLobHandler(LobHandler lobHandler)
          Set the LobHandler to be used by the SessionFactory.

Uses of LobHandler in

Methods in with parameters of type LobHandler
protected  java.lang.Object BlobSerializableType.nullSafeGetInternal(java.sql.ResultSet rs, int index, LobHandler lobHandler)
protected  java.lang.Object ClobStringType.nullSafeGetInternal(java.sql.ResultSet rs, int index, LobHandler lobHandler)
protected  java.lang.Object BlobByteArrayType.nullSafeGetInternal(java.sql.ResultSet rs, int index, LobHandler lobHandler)
protected abstract  java.lang.Object AbstractLobType.nullSafeGetInternal(java.sql.ResultSet rs, int index, LobHandler lobHandler)
          Template method to extract a value from the given result set.

Constructors in with parameters of type LobHandler
BlobSerializableType(LobHandler lobHandler, javax.transaction.TransactionManager jtaTransactionManager)
          Constructor used for testing: takes an explicit LobHandler and an explicit JTA TransactionManager (can be null).
ClobStringType(LobHandler lobHandler, javax.transaction.TransactionManager jtaTransactionManager)
          Constructor used for testing: takes an explicit LobHandler and an explicit JTA TransactionManager (can be null).
BlobByteArrayType(LobHandler lobHandler, javax.transaction.TransactionManager jtaTransactionManager)
          Constructor used for testing: takes an explicit LobHandler and an explicit JTA TransactionManager (can be null).
AbstractLobType(LobHandler lobHandler, javax.transaction.TransactionManager jtaTransactionManager)
          Constructor used for testing: takes an explicit LobHandler and an explicit JTA TransactionManager (can be null).

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