Class ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues

  extended byorg.springframework.beans.MutablePropertyValues
      extended byorg.springframework.web.bind.ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues
extends MutablePropertyValues

PropertyValues implementation created from parameters in a ServletRequest. Looks for all property values beginning with a certain prefix and prefix separator (default is "_").

For example, with a prefix of "spring", "spring_param1" and "spring_param2" result in a Map with "param1" and "param2" as keys.

This class is not immutable to be able to efficiently remove property values that should be ignored for binding.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
WebUtils.getParametersStartingWith(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, java.lang.String), Serialized Form

Field Summary
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_PREFIX_SEPARATOR
          Default prefix separator
Constructor Summary
ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)
          Create new ServletRequestPropertyValues using no prefix (and hence, no prefix separator).
ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, java.lang.String prefix)
          Create new ServletRequestPropertyValues using the given prefix and the default prefix separator (the underscore character "_").
ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String prefixSeparator)
          Create new ServletRequestPropertyValues supplying both prefix and prefix separator.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.beans.MutablePropertyValues
addPropertyValue, addPropertyValue, addPropertyValues, addPropertyValues, changesSince, contains, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValues, removePropertyValue, removePropertyValue, setPropertyValueAt, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_PREFIX_SEPARATOR
Default prefix separator

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)
Create new ServletRequestPropertyValues using no prefix (and hence, no prefix separator).

request - HTTP request


public ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request,
                                             java.lang.String prefix)
Create new ServletRequestPropertyValues using the given prefix and the default prefix separator (the underscore character "_").

request - HTTP request
prefix - the prefix for parameters (the full prefix will consist of this plus the separator)
See Also:


public ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request,
                                             java.lang.String prefix,
                                             java.lang.String prefixSeparator)
Create new ServletRequestPropertyValues supplying both prefix and prefix separator.

request - HTTP request
prefix - the prefix for parameters (the full prefix will consist of this plus the separator)
prefixSeparator - separator delimiting prefix (e.g. "spring") and the rest of the parameter name ("param1", "param2")

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