Class RmiClientInterceptorUtils

  extended byorg.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiClientInterceptorUtils

public abstract class RmiClientInterceptorUtils
extends Object

Factored-out methods for performing invocations within an RMI client. Can handle both RMI and non-RMI service interfaces working on an RMI stub.

Note: This is an SPI class, not intended to be used by applications.

Juergen Hoeller

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Exception convertRmiAccessException(Method method, RemoteException ex, boolean isConnectFailure, String serviceName)
          Convert the given RemoteException that happened during remote access to Spring's RemoteAccessException if the method signature does not support RemoteException.
static Exception convertRmiAccessException(Method method, RemoteException ex, String serviceName)
          Convert the given RemoteException that happened during remote access to Spring's RemoteAccessException if the method signature does not support RemoteException.
static Exception convertRmiAccessException(Method method, Throwable ex, String message)
          Wrap the given arbitrary exception that happened during remote access in either a RemoteException or a Spring RemoteAccessException (if the method signature does not support RemoteException).
static Object doInvoke(MethodInvocation invocation, Remote stub)
          Perform a raw method invocation on the given RMI stub, letting reflection exceptions through as-is.
static Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation, Remote stub, String serviceName)
          Apply the given method invocation to the given RMI stub.
static boolean isConnectFailure(RemoteException ex)
          Determine whether the given RMI exception indicates a connect failure.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RmiClientInterceptorUtils()
Method Detail


public static Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation,
                            Remote stub,
                            String serviceName)
                     throws Throwable
Apply the given method invocation to the given RMI stub.

Delegate to the corresponding method if the RMI stub does not directly implemented the invoked method. This typically happens when a non-RMI service interface is used for an RMI service. The methods of such a service interface have to match the RMI stub methods, but they typically don't declare java.rmi.RemoteException: A RemoteException thrown by the RMI stub will be automatically converted to Spring's RemoteAccessException.

invocation - the AOP MethodInvocation
stub - the RMI stub
serviceName - the name of the service (for debugging purposes)
the invocation result, if any
Throwable - exception to be thrown to the caller
See Also:
RemoteException, RemoteAccessException


public static Object doInvoke(MethodInvocation invocation,
                              Remote stub)
                       throws InvocationTargetException
Perform a raw method invocation on the given RMI stub, letting reflection exceptions through as-is.

invocation - the AOP MethodInvocation
stub - the RMI stub
the invocation result, if any
InvocationTargetException - if thrown by reflection


public static Exception convertRmiAccessException(Method method,
                                                  Throwable ex,
                                                  String message)
Wrap the given arbitrary exception that happened during remote access in either a RemoteException or a Spring RemoteAccessException (if the method signature does not support RemoteException).

Only call this for remote access exceptions, not for exceptions thrown by the target service itself!

method - the invoked method
ex - the exception that happened, to be used as cause for the RemoteAccessException respectively RemoteException
message - the message for the RemoteAccessException respectively RemoteException
the exception to be thrown to the caller


public static Exception convertRmiAccessException(Method method,
                                                  RemoteException ex,
                                                  String serviceName)
Convert the given RemoteException that happened during remote access to Spring's RemoteAccessException if the method signature does not support RemoteException. Else, return the original RemoteException.

method - the invoked method
ex - the RemoteException that happened
serviceName - the name of the service (for debugging purposes)
the exception to be thrown to the caller


public static Exception convertRmiAccessException(Method method,
                                                  RemoteException ex,
                                                  boolean isConnectFailure,
                                                  String serviceName)
Convert the given RemoteException that happened during remote access to Spring's RemoteAccessException if the method signature does not support RemoteException. Else, return the original RemoteException.

method - the invoked method
ex - the RemoteException that happened
isConnectFailure - whether the given exception should be considered a connect failure
serviceName - the name of the service (for debugging purposes)
the exception to be thrown to the caller


public static boolean isConnectFailure(RemoteException ex)
Determine whether the given RMI exception indicates a connect failure. Treats ConnectException, ConnectIOException, UnknownHostException, NoSuchObjectException, StubNotFoundException, MarshalException and UnmarshalException as connect failure.

ex - the RMI exception to check
whether the exception should be treated as connect failure
See Also:
ConnectException, ConnectIOException, UnknownHostException, NoSuchObjectException, StubNotFoundException, MarshalException, UnmarshalException

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