Class VelocityEngineUtils

  extended byorg.springframework.ui.velocity.VelocityEngineUtils

public abstract class VelocityEngineUtils
extends Object

Utility class for working with a VelocityEngine. Provides convenience methods to merge a Velocity template with a model.

Juergen Hoeller

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void mergeTemplate(VelocityEngine velocityEngine, String templateLocation, Map model, Writer writer)
          Merge the specified Velocity template with the given model and write the result to the given Writer.
static void mergeTemplate(VelocityEngine velocityEngine, String templateLocation, String encoding, Map model, Writer writer)
          Merge the specified Velocity template with the given model and write the result to the given Writer.
static String mergeTemplateIntoString(VelocityEngine velocityEngine, String templateLocation, Map model)
          Merge the specified Velocity template with the given model into a String.
static String mergeTemplateIntoString(VelocityEngine velocityEngine, String templateLocation, String encoding, Map model)
          Merge the specified Velocity template with the given model into a String.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public VelocityEngineUtils()
Method Detail


public static void mergeTemplate(VelocityEngine velocityEngine,
                                 String templateLocation,
                                 Map model,
                                 Writer writer)
                          throws VelocityException
Merge the specified Velocity template with the given model and write the result to the given Writer.

velocityEngine - VelocityEngine to work with
templateLocation - the location of template, relative to Velocity's resource loader path
model - the Map that contains model names as keys and model objects as values
writer - the Writer to write the result to
VelocityException - if the template wasn't found or rendering failed


public static void mergeTemplate(VelocityEngine velocityEngine,
                                 String templateLocation,
                                 String encoding,
                                 Map model,
                                 Writer writer)
                          throws VelocityException
Merge the specified Velocity template with the given model and write the result to the given Writer.

velocityEngine - VelocityEngine to work with
templateLocation - the location of template, relative to Velocity's resource loader path
encoding - the encoding of the template file
model - the Map that contains model names as keys and model objects as values
writer - the Writer to write the result to
VelocityException - if the template wasn't found or rendering failed


public static String mergeTemplateIntoString(VelocityEngine velocityEngine,
                                             String templateLocation,
                                             Map model)
                                      throws VelocityException
Merge the specified Velocity template with the given model into a String.

When using this method to prepare a text for a mail to be sent with Spring's mail support, consider wrapping VelocityException in MailPreparationException.

velocityEngine - VelocityEngine to work with
templateLocation - the location of template, relative to Velocity's resource loader path
model - the Map that contains model names as keys and model objects as values
the result as String
VelocityException - if the template wasn't found or rendering failed
See Also:


public static String mergeTemplateIntoString(VelocityEngine velocityEngine,
                                             String templateLocation,
                                             String encoding,
                                             Map model)
                                      throws VelocityException
Merge the specified Velocity template with the given model into a String.

When using this method to prepare a text for a mail to be sent with Spring's mail support, consider wrapping VelocityException in MailPreparationException.

velocityEngine - VelocityEngine to work with
templateLocation - the location of template, relative to Velocity's resource loader path
encoding - the encoding of the template file
model - the Map that contains model names as keys and model objects as values
the result as String
VelocityException - if the template wasn't found or rendering failed
See Also:

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