Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException
org.springframework.dao Exception hierarchy enabling sophisticated error handling independent of the data access approach in use.  
org.springframework.jdbc.object The classes in this package represent RDBMS queries, updates, and stored procedures as threadsafe, reusable objects. Support classes for the JDBC framework, used by the classes in the jdbc.core and jdbc.object packages.  
org.springframework.orm.hibernate Package providing integration of Hibernate with Spring concepts.  
org.springframework.orm.jdo Package providing integration of JDO with Spring concepts.  

Uses of InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException in org.springframework.dao

Subclasses of InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException in org.springframework.dao
 class IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException
          Data access exception thrown when a result was not of the expected size, for example when expecting a single row but getting 0 or more than 1 rows.

Uses of InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException in org.springframework.jdbc.object

Methods in org.springframework.jdbc.object that throw InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException
 void StoredProcedure.declareParameter(SqlParameter param)
          Declare a parameter.
 void RdbmsOperation.setTypes(int[] types)
          Add anonymous parameters, specifying only their SQL types as defined in the java.sql.Types class.
 void RdbmsOperation.declareParameter(SqlParameter param)
          Declare a parameter.
 void RdbmsOperation.compile()
          Compile this query.
protected abstract  void RdbmsOperation.compileInternal()
          Subclasses must implement to perform their own compilation.
protected  void RdbmsOperation.validateParameters(Object[] parameters)
          Validate the parameters passed to an execute method based on declared parameters.
protected  Object SqlFunction.mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum)
          This implementation of this method extracts a single value from the single row returned by the function.

Constructors in org.springframework.jdbc.object that throw InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException
SqlFunction(DataSource ds, String sql, int[] types, int retType)
          Create a new SQLFunction object with SQL, parameters and a return type

Uses of InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException in

Methods in that throw InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException
 Number KeyHolder.getKey()
          Retrieve the first item from the first map, assuming that there is just one item and just one map, and that the item is a number.
 Map KeyHolder.getKeys()
          Retrieve the first map of keys.
 Number GeneratedKeyHolder.getKey()
 Map GeneratedKeyHolder.getKeys()

Uses of InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException in org.springframework.orm.hibernate

Methods in org.springframework.orm.hibernate that throw InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException
protected  void HibernateTemplate.checkWriteOperationAllowed(Session session)
          Check whether write operations are allowed on the given Session.

Uses of InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException in org.springframework.orm.jdo

Subclasses of InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException in org.springframework.orm.jdo
 class JdoUsageException
          JDO-specific subclass of InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException.

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