Package org.springframework.orm.ibatis

Package providing integration of iBATIS Database Layer with Spring concepts.


Interface Summary
SqlMapCallback Callback interface for data access code that works on an iBATIS Database Layer MappedStatement.
SqlMapClientCallback Callback interface for data access code that works with the iBATIS Database Layer SqlMapExecutor interfae.
SqlMapClientOperations Interface that specifies a basic set of iBATIS SqlMapClient operations.
SqlMapOperations Interface that specifies a basic set of iBATIS SqlMap operations.

Class Summary
SqlMapClientFactoryBean FactoryBean that creates an iBATIS Database Layer SqlMapClient as singleton in the current bean factory, possibly for use with SqlMapClientTemplate.
SqlMapClientTemplate Helper class that simplifies data access via the SqlMapClient API of iBATIS SQL Maps, and converts checked SQLExceptions into unchecked DataAccessExceptions, following the org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy.
SqlMapFactoryBean FactoryBean that creates an iBATIS Database Layer SqlMap as singleton in the current bean factory, possibly for use with SqlMapTemplate.
SqlMapTemplate Helper class that simplifies data access via the MappedStatement API of iBATIS SQL Maps, and converts checked SQLExceptions into unchecked DataAccessExceptions, following the org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy.

Package org.springframework.orm.ibatis Description

Package providing integration of iBATIS Database Layer with Spring concepts.

Contains resource helper classes and template classes for data access, for both the SqlMap API (of iBATIS SQL Maps 1.x) and the SqlMapClient API (of SQL Maps 2).

Copyright (C) 2003-2004 The Spring Framework Project.