Class BatchSqlUpdate

  extended byorg.springframework.jdbc.object.RdbmsOperation
      extended byorg.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlOperation
          extended byorg.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlUpdate
              extended byorg.springframework.jdbc.object.BatchSqlUpdate
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BatchSqlUpdate
extends SqlUpdate

SqlUpdate subclass that performs batch update operations. Encapsulates queuing up records to be updated, and adds them as a single batch once flush is called or the given batch size has been met.

Note that this class is a non-thread-safe object, in contrast to all other JDBC operations objects in this package. You need to create a new instance of it for each use, or call reset before reuse within the same thread.

Keith Donald, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
flush(), reset()

Field Summary
          Default number of inserts to accumulate before commiting a batch (5000).
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.jdbc.object.RdbmsOperation
Constructor Summary
          Constructor to allow use as a JavaBean.
BatchSqlUpdate(DataSource ds, String sql)
          Construct an update object with a given DataSource and SQL.
BatchSqlUpdate(DataSource ds, String sql, int[] types)
          Construct an update object with a given DataSource, SQL and anonymous parameters.
BatchSqlUpdate(DataSource ds, String sql, int[] types, int batchSize)
          Construct an update object with a given DataSource, SQL, anonymous parameters and specifying the maximum number of rows that may be affected.
Method Summary
 int[] flush()
          Trigger any queued update operations to be added as a final batch.
 int getExecutionCount()
          Return the number of already executed statements.
 int getQueueCount()
          Return the current number of statements or statement parameters in the queue.
 int[] getRowsAffected()
          Return the number of affected rows for all already executed statements.
 void reset()
          Reset the statement parameter queue, the rows affected cache, and the execution count.
 void setBatchSize(int batchSize)
          Set the number of statements that will trigger an automatic intermediate flush.
protected  boolean supportsLobParameters()
          BatchSqlUpdate does not support BLOB or CLOB parameters.
 int update(Object[] args)
          Overridden version of update that adds the given statement parameters to the queue rather than executing them immediately.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlUpdate
checkRowsAffected, setMaxRowsAffected, setRequiredRowsAffected, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlOperation
compileInternal, newPreparedStatementCreator, newPreparedStatementSetter, onCompileInternal
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.jdbc.object.RdbmsOperation
afterPropertiesSet, compile, declareParameter, getDeclaredParameters, getGeneratedKeysColumnNames, getJdbcTemplate, getResultSetType, getSql, isCompiled, isReturnGeneratedKeys, isUpdatableResults, setDataSource, setFetchSize, setGeneratedKeysColumnNames, setJdbcTemplate, setMaxRows, setResultSetType, setReturnGeneratedKeys, setSql, setTypes, setUpdatableResults, validateParameters
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static int DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE
Default number of inserts to accumulate before commiting a batch (5000).

Constructor Detail


public BatchSqlUpdate()
Constructor to allow use as a JavaBean. DataSource and SQL must be supplied before compilation and use.

See Also:
RdbmsOperation.setDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource), RdbmsOperation.setSql(java.lang.String)


public BatchSqlUpdate(DataSource ds,
                      String sql)
Construct an update object with a given DataSource and SQL.

ds - DataSource to use to obtain connections
sql - SQL statement to execute


public BatchSqlUpdate(DataSource ds,
                      String sql,
                      int[] types)
Construct an update object with a given DataSource, SQL and anonymous parameters.

ds - DataSource to use to obtain connections
sql - SQL statement to execute
types - anonymous parameter declarations


public BatchSqlUpdate(DataSource ds,
                      String sql,
                      int[] types,
                      int batchSize)
Construct an update object with a given DataSource, SQL, anonymous parameters and specifying the maximum number of rows that may be affected.

ds - DataSource to use to obtain connections
sql - SQL statement to execute
types - anonymous parameter declarations.
batchSize - the number of statements that will trigger an automatic intermediate flush
Method Detail


public void setBatchSize(int batchSize)
Set the number of statements that will trigger an automatic intermediate flush. update calls or the given statement parameters will be queued until the batch size is met, at which point it will empty the queue and execute the batch.

You can also flush already queued statements with an explicit flush call. Note that you need to this after queueing all parameters to guarantee that all statements have been flushed.


protected boolean supportsLobParameters()
BatchSqlUpdate does not support BLOB or CLOB parameters.

supportsLobParameters in class RdbmsOperation


public int update(Object[] args)
           throws DataAccessException
Overridden version of update that adds the given statement parameters to the queue rather than executing them immediately. All other update methods of the SqlUpdate base class go through this method and will thus behave similarly.

You need to call flush to actually execute the batch. If the specified batch size is reached, an implicit flush will happen; you still need to finally call flush to flush all statements.

update in class SqlUpdate
args - array of object arguments
the number of rows affected by the update (always -1, meaning "not applicable", as the statement is not actually executed by this method)
See Also:


public int[] flush()
Trigger any queued update operations to be added as a final batch.

an array of the number of rows affected by each statement


public int getQueueCount()
Return the current number of statements or statement parameters in the queue.


public int getExecutionCount()
Return the number of already executed statements.


public int[] getRowsAffected()
Return the number of affected rows for all already executed statements. Accumulates all of flush's return values until reset is invoked.

an array of the number of rows affected by each statement
See Also:


public void reset()
Reset the statement parameter queue, the rows affected cache, and the execution count.

Copyright (C) 2003-2004 The Spring Framework Project.