Uses of Class

Packages that use CannotGetJdbcConnectionException Classes supporting the org.springframework.jdbc.core package. 
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource Provides a utility class for easy DataSource access, a PlatformTransactionManager for a single DataSource, and various simple DataSource implementations. 

Uses of CannotGetJdbcConnectionException in

Methods in that throw CannotGetJdbcConnectionException
protected  Connection JdbcDaoSupport.getConnection()
          Get a JDBC Connection, either from the current transaction or a new one.

Uses of CannotGetJdbcConnectionException in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource

Methods in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource that throw CannotGetJdbcConnectionException
static Connection DataSourceUtils.getConnection(DataSource dataSource)
          Get a Connection from the given DataSource.
 void DriverManagerDataSource.setDriverClassName(String driverClassName)
          Set the JDBC driver class name.

Constructors in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource that throw CannotGetJdbcConnectionException
DriverManagerDataSource(String url)
          Create a new DriverManagerDataSource with the given JDBC URL, not specifying a username or password for JDBC access.
DriverManagerDataSource(String url, String username, String password)
          Create a new DriverManagerDataSource with the given standard DriverManager parameters.
DriverManagerDataSource(String driverClassName, String url, String username, String password)
          Create a new DriverManagerDataSource with the given standard DriverManager parameters.
SingleConnectionDataSource(String url, boolean suppressClose)
          Create a new SingleConnectionDataSource with the given standard DriverManager parameters.
SingleConnectionDataSource(String url, String username, String password, boolean suppressClose)
          Create a new SingleConnectionDataSource with the given standard DriverManager parameters.
SingleConnectionDataSource(String driverClassName, String url, String username, String password, boolean suppressClose)
          Create a new SingleConnectionDataSource with the given standard DriverManager parameters.

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