Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidResultSetAccessException Provides a convenient holder for disconnected result sets. 

Uses of InvalidResultSetAccessException in

Methods in that throw InvalidResultSetAccessException
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.absolute(int row)
 boolean SqlRowSet.absolute(int row)
          Moves the cursor to the given row number in the RowSet, just after the last row.
 void ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.afterLast()
 void SqlRowSet.afterLast()
          Moves the cursor to the end of this RowSet.
 void ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.beforeFirst()
 void SqlRowSet.beforeFirst()
          Moves the cursor to the front of this RowSet, just before the first row.
 int ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.findColumn(String columnName)
 int SqlRowSet.findColumn(String columnName)
          Maps the given column name to its column index.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.first()
 boolean SqlRowSet.first()
          Moves the cursor to the first row of this RowSet.
 BigDecimal ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getBigDecimal(int columnIndex)
 BigDecimal SqlRowSet.getBigDecimal(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as an BigDecimal object.
 BigDecimal ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getBigDecimal(String columnName)
 BigDecimal SqlRowSet.getBigDecimal(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as an BigDecimal object.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getBoolean(int columnIndex)
 boolean SqlRowSet.getBoolean(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a boolean.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getBoolean(String columnName)
 boolean SqlRowSet.getBoolean(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a boolean.
 byte ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getByte(int columnIndex)
 byte SqlRowSet.getByte(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a byte.
 byte ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getByte(String columnName)
 byte SqlRowSet.getByte(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a byte.
 String ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getCatalogName(int column)
 String SqlRowSetMetaData.getCatalogName(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the catalog name of the table that served as the source for the specified column.
 String ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnClassName(int column)
 String SqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnClassName(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the fully qualified class that the specified column will be mapped to.
 int ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnCount()
 int SqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnCount()
          Retrives the number of columns in the RowSet.
 int ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize(int column)
 int SqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the maximum width of the designated column.
 String ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(int column)
 String SqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(int columnIndex)
          Retrieve the suggested column title for the column specified.
 String ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnName(int column)
 String SqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnName(int columnIndex)
          Retrieve the column name for the indicated column.
 String[] ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnNames()
 String[] SqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnNames()
          Return the column names of the table that the result set represents.
 int ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnType(int column)
 int SqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnType(int columnIndex)
          Retrieve the SQL type code for the indicated column.
 String ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName(int column)
 String SqlRowSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the DBMS-specific type name for the indicated column.
 Date ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getDate(int columnIndex)
 Date SqlRowSet.getDate(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Date object.
 Date ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getDate(int columnIndex, Calendar cal)
 Date SqlRowSet.getDate(int columnIndex, Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Date object.
 Date ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getDate(String columnName)
 Date SqlRowSet.getDate(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Date object.
 Date ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getDate(String columnName, Calendar cal)
 Date SqlRowSet.getDate(String columnName, Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Date object.
 double ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getDouble(int columnIndex)
 double SqlRowSet.getDouble(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Double object.
 double ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getDouble(String columnName)
 double SqlRowSet.getDouble(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Double object.
 float ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getFloat(int columnIndex)
 float SqlRowSet.getFloat(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a float.
 float ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getFloat(String columnName)
 float SqlRowSet.getFloat(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a float.
 int ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getInt(int columnIndex)
 int SqlRowSet.getInt(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as an int.
 int ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getInt(String columnName)
 int SqlRowSet.getInt(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as an int.
 long ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getLong(int columnIndex)
 long SqlRowSet.getLong(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a long.
 long ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getLong(String columnName)
 long SqlRowSet.getLong(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a long.
 Object ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getObject(int columnIndex)
 Object SqlRowSet.getObject(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as an Object.
 Object ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getObject(int i, Map map)
 Object SqlRowSet.getObject(int columnIndex, Map map)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as an Object.
 Object ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getObject(String columnName)
 Object SqlRowSet.getObject(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as an Object.
 Object ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getObject(String columnName, Map map)
 Object SqlRowSet.getObject(String columnName, Map map)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as an Object.
 int ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getPrecision(int column)
 int SqlRowSetMetaData.getPrecision(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the precision for the indicated column.
 int ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getRow()
 int SqlRowSet.getRow()
          Retrieves the current row number.
 int ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getScale(int column)
 int SqlRowSetMetaData.getScale(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the scale of the indicated column.
 String ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getSchemaName(int column)
 String SqlRowSetMetaData.getSchemaName(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the schema name of the table that served as the source for the specified column.
 short ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getShort(int columnIndex)
 short SqlRowSet.getShort(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a short.
 short ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getShort(String columnName)
 short SqlRowSet.getShort(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a short.
 String ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getString(int columnIndex)
 String SqlRowSet.getString(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a String.
 String ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getString(String columnName)
 String SqlRowSet.getString(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a String.
 String ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.getTableName(int column)
 String SqlRowSetMetaData.getTableName(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the name of the table that served as the source for the specified column.
 Time ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getTime(int columnIndex)
 Time SqlRowSet.getTime(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Time object.
 Time ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getTime(int columnIndex, Calendar cal)
 Time SqlRowSet.getTime(int columnIndex, Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Time object.
 Time ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getTime(String columnName)
 Time SqlRowSet.getTime(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Time object.
 Time ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getTime(String columnName, Calendar cal)
 Time SqlRowSet.getTime(String columnName, Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Time object.
 Timestamp ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getTimestamp(int columnIndex)
 Timestamp SqlRowSet.getTimestamp(int columnIndex)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Timestamp object.
 Timestamp ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getTimestamp(int columnIndex, Calendar cal)
 Timestamp SqlRowSet.getTimestamp(int columnIndex, Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Timestamp object.
 Timestamp ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getTimestamp(String columnName)
 Timestamp SqlRowSet.getTimestamp(String columnName)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Timestamp object.
 Timestamp ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.getTimestamp(String columnName, Calendar cal)
 Timestamp SqlRowSet.getTimestamp(String columnName, Calendar cal)
          Retrieves the value of the indicated column in the current row as a Timestamp object.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.isAfterLast()
 boolean SqlRowSet.isAfterLast()
          Retrieves whether the cursor is after the last row of this RowSet.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.isBeforeFirst()
 boolean SqlRowSet.isBeforeFirst()
          Retrieves whether the cursor is after the first row of this RowSet.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.isCaseSensitive(int column)
 boolean SqlRowSetMetaData.isCaseSensitive(int columnIndex)
          Indicates whether the case of the designated column is significant.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.isCurrency(int column)
 boolean SqlRowSetMetaData.isCurrency(int columnIndex)
          Indicates whether the designated column contains a currency value.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.isFirst()
 boolean SqlRowSet.isFirst()
          Retrieves whether the cursor is on the first row of this RowSet.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.isLast()
 boolean SqlRowSet.isLast()
          Retrieves whether the cursor is on the last row of this RowSet.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSetMetaData.isSigned(int column)
 boolean SqlRowSetMetaData.isSigned(int columnIndex)
          Indicates whether the designated column contains a signed number.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.last()
 boolean SqlRowSet.last()
          Moves the cursor to the last row of this RowSet.
          Moves the cursor to the next row.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.previous()
 boolean SqlRowSet.previous()
          Moves the cursor to the previous row.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.relative(int rows)
 boolean SqlRowSet.relative(int rows)
          Moves the cursor a relative number f rows, either positive or negative.
 boolean ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet.wasNull()
 boolean SqlRowSet.wasNull()
          Reports whether the last column read had a value of SQL NULL.

Constructors in that throw InvalidResultSetAccessException
ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet(ResultSet resultSet)
          Create a new ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet for the given ResultSet.

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