Package org.springframework.mail

Spring's generic mail infrastructure.


Interface Summary
MailMessage This is a common interface for mail messages, allowing a user to set key values required in assembling a mail message, without needing to know if the underlying message is a simple text message or a more sophisticated MIME message.
MailSender This interface defines a strategy for sending simple mails.

Class Summary
SimpleMailMessage Encapsulates properties of a simple mail such as from, to, cc, subject, text.

Exception Summary
MailAuthenticationException Exception thrown on failed authentication.
MailException Base class for all mail exceptions.
MailParseException Exception thrown if illegal message properties are encountered.
MailPreparationException Exception to be thrown by user code if a mail cannot be prepared properly, for example when a Velocity template cannot be rendered for the mail text.
MailSendException Exception thrown when a mail sending error is encountered.

Package org.springframework.mail Description

Spring's generic mail infrastructure. Concrete implementations are provided in the subpackages.

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