Interface MultipartHttpServletRequest

All Superinterfaces:
HttpServletRequest, ServletRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMultipartHttpServletRequest, CosMultipartHttpServletRequest, DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest

public interface MultipartHttpServletRequest
extends HttpServletRequest

Interface which provides additional methods for dealing with multipart content within a servlet request, allowing to access uploaded files. Implementations also need to override the standard ServletRequest methods for parameter access, making multipart parameters available.

A concrete implementation is DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest. As an intermediate step, AbstractMultipartHttpServletRequest can be subclassed.

Juergen Hoeller, Trevor D. Cook
See Also:
MultipartResolver, MultipartFile, ServletRequest.getParameter(java.lang.String), ServletRequest.getParameterNames(), ServletRequest.getParameterMap(), DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest, AbstractMultipartHttpServletRequest

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
Method Summary
 MultipartFile getFile(String name)
          Return the contents plus description of an uploaded file in this request, or null if it does not exist.
 Map getFileMap()
          Return a Map of the multipart files contained in this request.
 Iterator getFileNames()
          Return an Iterator of String objects containing the parameter names of the multipart files contained in this request.
Methods inherited from interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
getAuthType, getContextPath, getCookies, getDateHeader, getHeader, getHeaderNames, getHeaders, getIntHeader, getMethod, getPathInfo, getPathTranslated, getQueryString, getRemoteUser, getRequestedSessionId, getRequestURI, getRequestURL, getServletPath, getSession, getSession, getUserPrincipal, isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie, isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl, isRequestedSessionIdFromURL, isRequestedSessionIdValid, isUserInRole
Methods inherited from interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest
getAttribute, getAttributeNames, getCharacterEncoding, getContentLength, getContentType, getInputStream, getLocalAddr, getLocale, getLocales, getLocalName, getLocalPort, getParameter, getParameterMap, getParameterNames, getParameterValues, getProtocol, getReader, getRealPath, getRemoteAddr, getRemoteHost, getRemotePort, getRequestDispatcher, getScheme, getServerName, getServerPort, isSecure, removeAttribute, setAttribute, setCharacterEncoding

Method Detail


Iterator getFileNames()
Return an Iterator of String objects containing the parameter names of the multipart files contained in this request. These are the field names of the form (like with normal parameters), not the original file names.

the names of the files


MultipartFile getFile(String name)
Return the contents plus description of an uploaded file in this request, or null if it does not exist.

name - a String specifying the parameter name of the multipart file
the uploaded content in the form of a MultipartFile object


Map getFileMap()
Return a Map of the multipart files contained in this request.

a map containing the parameter names as keys, and the MultipartFile objects as values
See Also:

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