Class AbstractPathMapHandlerMapping

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMapping
              extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractUrlHandlerMapping
                  extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.metadata.AbstractPathMapHandlerMapping
All Implemented Interfaces:
ApplicationContextAware, Ordered, HandlerMapping
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractPathMapHandlerMapping
extends AbstractUrlHandlerMapping

Abstract implementation of the HandlerMapping interface that recognizes metadata attributes of type PathMap on application Controllers and automatically wires them into the current servlet's WebApplicationContext.

The path must be mapped to the relevant Spring DispatcherServlet in /WEB-INF/web.xml. It's possible to have multiple PathMap attributes on the one controller class.

Controllers instantiated by this class may have dependencies on middle tier objects, expressed via JavaBean properties or constructor arguments. These will be resolved automatically.

You will normally use this HandlerMapping with at most one DispatcherServlet in your web application. Otherwise you'll end with one instance of the mapped controller for each DispatcherServlet's context. You might want this -- for example, if one's using a .pdf mapping and a PDF view, and another a JSP view, or if using different middle tier objects, but should understand the implications. All Controllers with attributes will be picked up by each DispatcherServlet's context.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMapping
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  Class[] getClassesWithPathMapAttributes()
          Use an attribute index to get a Collection of Class objects with the required PathMap attribute.
protected abstract  PathMap[] getPathMapAttributes(Class handlerClass)
          Use Attributes API to find PathMap attributes for the given handler class.
 void initApplicationContext()
          Look for all classes with a PathMap class attribute, instantiate them in the owning ApplicationContext and register them as MVC handlers usable by the current DispatcherServlet.
 void setAutowireMode(int autowireMode)
          Set the autowire mode for handlers.
 void setAutowireModeName(String constantName)
          Set the autowire mode for handlers, by the name of the corresponding constant in the AutowireCapableBeanFactory interface, e.g.
 void setDependencyCheck(boolean dependencyCheck)
          Set whether to perform a dependency check for objects on autowired handlers.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractUrlHandlerMapping
getHandlerInternal, lookupHandler, registerHandler, setAlwaysUseFullPath, setLazyInitHandlers, setPathMatcher, setUrlDecode, setUrlPathHelper
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMapping
getDefaultHandler, getHandler, getOrder, setDefaultHandler, setInterceptors, setOrder
Methods inherited from class
getServletContext, getTempDir, getWebApplicationContext, isContextRequired
Methods inherited from class
getApplicationContext, getMessageSourceAccessor, requiredContextClass, setApplicationContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractPathMapHandlerMapping()
Method Detail


public void setAutowireModeName(String constantName)
                         throws IllegalArgumentException
Set the autowire mode for handlers, by the name of the corresponding constant in the AutowireCapableBeanFactory interface, e.g. "AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME".

constantName - name of the constant
IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid constant was specified
See Also:
setAutowireMode(int), AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_AUTODETECT


public void setAutowireMode(int autowireMode)
Set the autowire mode for handlers. This determines whether any automagical detection and setting of bean references will happen.

Default is AUTOWIRE_AUTODETECT, which means either constructor autowiring or autowiring by type (depending on the constructors available in the class).

autowireMode - the autowire mode to set. Must be one of the constants defined in the AutowireCapableBeanFactory interface.
See Also:
AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_AUTODETECT


public void setDependencyCheck(boolean dependencyCheck)
Set whether to perform a dependency check for objects on autowired handlers. Not applicable to autowiring a constructor, thus ignored there.

Default is true.


public void initApplicationContext()
                            throws BeansException
Look for all classes with a PathMap class attribute, instantiate them in the owning ApplicationContext and register them as MVC handlers usable by the current DispatcherServlet.

initApplicationContext in class ApplicationObjectSupport
ApplicationContextException - in case of initialization errors
BeansException - if thrown by ApplicationContext methods
See Also:


protected abstract Class[] getClassesWithPathMapAttributes()
                                                    throws Exception
Use an attribute index to get a Collection of Class objects with the required PathMap attribute.

a array of Class objects


protected abstract PathMap[] getPathMapAttributes(Class handlerClass)
                                           throws Exception
Use Attributes API to find PathMap attributes for the given handler class. We know there's at least one, as the getClassNamesWithPathMapAttributes method return this class name.

handlerClass - the handler class to look for
an array of PathMap objects

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