
Provides a support framework for incrementing database table values via sequences, with implementations for various databases.


Interface Summary
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer Interface that defines contract of incrementing any data store field's maximum value.

Class Summary
AbstractDataFieldMaxValueIncrementer Implementation of DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that delegates to a single getNextKey template method that returns a long.
AbstractSequenceMaxValueIncrementer Abstract base class for incrementers that use a database sequence.
DB2SequenceMaxValueIncrementer DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given DB2 sequence.
HsqlMaxValueIncrementer Class to increment maximum value of a given HSQL table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column.
MySQLMaxValueIncrementer Class to increment maximum value of a given MySQL table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column.
OracleSequenceMaxValueIncrementer DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given Oracle sequence.
PostgreSQLSequenceMaxValueIncrementer Class to retrieve the next value of a given PostgreSQL Sequence.

Package Description

Provides a support framework for incrementing database table values via sequences, with implementations for various databases.

Can be used independently, for example in custom JDBC access code.

Copyright (c) 2002-2005 The Spring Framework Project.