Class ConcurrencyThrottleSupport

  extended by org.springframework.util.ConcurrencyThrottleSupport
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ConcurrencyThrottleSupport
extends Object

Support class for throttling concurrent access to a specific resource.

Designed for use as a base class, with the subclass invoking the beforeAccess and afterAccess methods at appropriate points of its workflow. Note that afterAccess should usually be called in a finally block!.

This class is designed for serializablility, to allow for serializing interceptors that derive from it. Note that the subclass needs to explicitly implement the Serializable marker interface if it is actually serializable.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
setConcurrencyLimit(int), beforeAccess(), afterAccess(), ConcurrencyThrottleInterceptor, Serializable

Field Summary
protected  Log logger
          Transient to optimize serialization
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void afterAccess()
protected  void beforeAccess()
 int getConcurrencyLimit()
          Return the maximum number of parallel accesses allowed.
 boolean isThrottleActive()
          Return whether this throttle is currently active.
 void setConcurrencyLimit(int concurrencyLimit)
          Set the maximum number of parallel accesses allowed
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected transient Log logger
Transient to optimize serialization

Constructor Detail


public ConcurrencyThrottleSupport()
Method Detail


public void setConcurrencyLimit(int concurrencyLimit)
Set the maximum number of parallel accesses allowed. -1 indicates no concurrency limit at all. Default is 1.

This limit can in principle be changed at runtime, although it is generally designed as config time setting. NOTE: Do not switch between -1 and any concrete limit at runtime, as this will lead to inconsistent concurrency counts: A limit of -1 effectively turns off concurrency counting completely.


public int getConcurrencyLimit()
Return the maximum number of parallel accesses allowed.


public boolean isThrottleActive()
Return whether this throttle is currently active.


protected void beforeAccess()


protected void afterAccess()

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