Package org.springframework.web.jsf

Support classes for integrating a JSF web tier with a Spring middle tier which is hosted in a Spring root WebApplicationContext.


Class Summary
DelegatingVariableResolver JSF VariableResolver that first delegates to the original resolver of the underlying JSF implementation, then to the Spring root WebApplicationContext.
FacesContextUtils Convenience methods to retrieve the root WebApplicationContext for a given FacesContext.
WebApplicationContextVariableResolver Special VariableResolver that exposes the Spring WebApplicationContext instance under a variable named "webApplicationContext".

Package org.springframework.web.jsf Description

Support classes for integrating a JSF web tier with a Spring middle tier which is hosted in a Spring root WebApplicationContext.

Supports easy access to beans in the Spring root WebApplicationContext from JSF EL expressions, for example in property values of JSF-managed beans.

Copyright (c) 2002-2005 The Spring Framework Project.