Class AbstractAutoProxyCreator

  extended by org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyConfig
      extended by org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy.AbstractAutoProxyCreator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, BeanFactoryAware, BeanPostProcessor, InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor, Ordered
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator, BeanNameAutoProxyCreator

public abstract class AbstractAutoProxyCreator
extends ProxyConfig
implements InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor, BeanFactoryAware, Ordered

BeanPostProcessor implementation that wraps a group of beans with AOP proxies that delegate to the given interceptors before invoking the bean itself.

This class distinguishes between "common" interceptors: shared for all proxies it creates, and "specific" interceptors: unique per bean instance. There need not be any common interceptors. If there are, they are set using the interceptorNames property. As with ProxyFactoryBean, interceptors names in the current factory are used rather than bean references to allow correct handling of prototype advisors and interceptors: for example, to support stateful mixins. Any advice type is supported for "interceptorNames" entries.

Such auto-proxying is particularly useful if there's a large number of beans that need to be wrapped with similar proxies, i.e. delegating to the same interceptors. Instead of x repetitive proxy definitions for x target beans, you can register one single such post processor with the bean factory to achieve the same effect.

Subclasses can apply any strategy to decide if a bean is to be proxied, e.g. by type, by name, by definition details, etc. They can also return additional interceptors that should just be applied to the specific bean instance. The default concrete implementation is BeanNameAutoProxyCreator, identifying the beans to be proxied via a list of bean names.

Any number of TargetSourceCreator implementations can be used with any subclass, to create a custom target source - for example, to pool prototype objects. Autoproxying will occur even if there is no advice if a TargetSourceCreator specifies a custom TargetSource. If there are no TargetSourceCreators set, or if none matches, a SingletonTargetSource will be used by default to wrap the bean to be autoproxied.

Juergen Hoeller, Rod Johnson, Rob Harrop
See Also:
setInterceptorNames(java.lang.String[]), BeanNameAutoProxyCreator, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static Object[] DO_NOT_PROXY
          Convenience constant for subclasses: Return value for "do not proxy".
          Convenience constant for subclasses: Return value for "proxy without additional interceptors, just the common ones".
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyConfig
exposeProxy, logger
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  Object createProxy(Class beanClass, String beanName, Object[] specificInterceptors, TargetSource targetSource)
          Create an AOP proxy for the given bean.
protected  void customizeProxyFactory(ProxyFactory proxyFactory)
          Subclasses may choose to implement this: for example, to change the interfaces exposed.
protected abstract  Object[] getAdvicesAndAdvisorsForBean(Class beanClass, String beanName, TargetSource customTargetSource)
          Return whether the given bean is to be proxied, what additional advices (e.g.
protected  BeanFactory getBeanFactory()
          Return the owning BeanFactory May be null, as this object doesn't need to belong to a bean factory.
protected  TargetSource getCustomTargetSource(Class beanClass, String beanName)
          Create a target source for bean instances.
 int getOrder()
          Return the order value of this object, higher value meaning greater in terms of sorting.
 boolean isFrozen()
          Return whether the config is frozen, and no advice changes can be made.
protected  boolean isInfrastructureClass(Class beanClass, String beanName)
          Return whether the given bean class and bean name represents an infrastructure class that should never be proxied.
 Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
          Create a proxy with the configured interceptors if the bean is identified as one to proxy by the subclass.
 Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
          Apply this BeanPostProcessor to the given new bean instance before any bean initialization callbacks (like InitializingBean's afterPropertiesSet or a custom init-method).
 Object postProcessBeforeInstantiation(Class beanClass, String beanName)
          Apply this BeanPostProcessor before the target bean gets instantiated.
 void setAdvisorAdapterRegistry(AdvisorAdapterRegistry advisorAdapterRegistry)
          Specify the AdvisorAdapterRegistry to use.
 void setApplyCommonInterceptorsFirst(boolean applyCommonInterceptorsFirst)
          Set whether the common interceptors should be applied before bean-specific ones.
 void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory)
          Callback that supplies the owning factory to a bean instance.
 void setCustomTargetSourceCreators(TargetSourceCreator[] targetSourceCreators)
          Set custom TargetSourceCreators to be applied in this order.
 void setFrozen(boolean frozen)
          Sets whether or not the proxy should be frozen, preventing advice from being added to it once it is created.
 void setInterceptorNames(String[] interceptorNames)
          Set the common interceptors.
 void setOrder(int order)
          Set the ordering which will apply to this class's implementation of Ordered, used when applying multiple BeanPostProcessors.
protected  boolean shouldSkip(Class beanClass, String beanName)
          Subclasses should override this method to return true if this bean should not be considered for auto-proxying by this post processor.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyConfig
copyFrom, getAopProxyFactory, isExposeProxy, isOpaque, isOptimize, isProxyTargetClass, setAopProxyFactory, setExposeProxy, setOpaque, setOptimize, setProxyTargetClass, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final Object[] DO_NOT_PROXY
Convenience constant for subclasses: Return value for "do not proxy".

See Also:
getAdvicesAndAdvisorsForBean(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, org.springframework.aop.TargetSource)


Convenience constant for subclasses: Return value for "proxy without additional interceptors, just the common ones".

See Also:
getAdvicesAndAdvisorsForBean(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, org.springframework.aop.TargetSource)
Constructor Detail


public AbstractAutoProxyCreator()
Method Detail


public final void setOrder(int order)
Set the ordering which will apply to this class's implementation of Ordered, used when applying multiple BeanPostProcessors. Default value is Integer.MAX_VALUE, meaning that it's non-ordered.

order - ordering value


public final int getOrder()
Description copied from interface: Ordered
Return the order value of this object, higher value meaning greater in terms of sorting. Normally starting with 0 or 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE indicating greatest. Same order values will result in arbitrary positions for the affected objects.

Higher value can be interpreted as lower priority, consequently the first object has highest priority (somewhat analogous to Servlet "load-on-startup" values).

Specified by:
getOrder in interface Ordered
the order value


public boolean isFrozen()
Description copied from class: ProxyConfig
Return whether the config is frozen, and no advice changes can be made.

isFrozen in class ProxyConfig


public void setFrozen(boolean frozen)
Sets whether or not the proxy should be frozen, preventing advice from being added to it once it is created. Overridden from the super class to prevent the proxy configuration from being frozen before the proxy is created.

setFrozen in class ProxyConfig


public void setAdvisorAdapterRegistry(AdvisorAdapterRegistry advisorAdapterRegistry)
Specify the AdvisorAdapterRegistry to use. Default is the global AdvisorAdapterRegistry.

See Also:


public void setCustomTargetSourceCreators(TargetSourceCreator[] targetSourceCreators)
Set custom TargetSourceCreators to be applied in this order. If the list is empty, or they all return null, a SingletonTargetSource will be created for each bean.

Note that TargetSourceCreators will kick in even for target beans where no advices or advisors have been found. If a TargetSourceCreator returns a TargetSource for a specific bean, that bean will be proxied in any case.

TargetSourceCreators can only be invoked if this post processor is used in a BeanFactory, and its BeanFactoryAware callback is used.

targetSourceCreators - list of TargetSourceCreator. Ordering is significant: The TargetSource returned from the first matching TargetSourceCreator (that is, the first that returns non-null) will be used.


public void setInterceptorNames(String[] interceptorNames)
Set the common interceptors. These must be bean names in the current factory. They can be of any advice or advisor type Spring supports. If this property isn't set, there will be zero common interceptors. This is perfectly valid, if "specific" interceptors such as matching Advisors are all we want.


public void setApplyCommonInterceptorsFirst(boolean applyCommonInterceptorsFirst)
Set whether the common interceptors should be applied before bean-specific ones. Default is "true"; else, bean-specific interceptors will get applied first.


public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory)
Description copied from interface: BeanFactoryAware
Callback that supplies the owning factory to a bean instance.

Invoked after population of normal bean properties but before an init callback like InitializingBean's afterPropertiesSet or a custom init-method.

Specified by:
setBeanFactory in interface BeanFactoryAware
beanFactory - owning BeanFactory (may not be null). The bean can immediately call methods on the factory.
See Also:


protected BeanFactory getBeanFactory()
Return the owning BeanFactory May be null, as this object doesn't need to belong to a bean factory.


public Object postProcessBeforeInstantiation(Class beanClass,
                                             String beanName)
                                      throws BeansException
Description copied from interface: InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor
Apply this BeanPostProcessor before the target bean gets instantiated. The returned bean object may be a proxy to use instead of the target bean, effectively suppressing default instantiation of the target bean.

If a non-null object is returned by this method, the bean creation process will be short-circuited. The returned bean object will not be processed any further; in particular, no further BeanPostProcessor callbacks will be applied to it. This mechanism is mainly intended for exposing a proxy instead of an actual target bean.

This callback will only be applied to bean definitions with a bean class. In particular, it will not be applied to beans with a "factory-method".

Specified by:
postProcessBeforeInstantiation in interface InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor
beanClass - the class of the bean to be instantiated
beanName - the name of the bean
the bean object to expose instead of a default instance of the target bean
BeansException - in case of errors
See Also:
AbstractBeanDefinition.hasBeanClass(), AbstractBeanDefinition.getFactoryMethodName()


public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean,
                                              String beanName)
Description copied from interface: BeanPostProcessor
Apply this BeanPostProcessor to the given new bean instance before any bean initialization callbacks (like InitializingBean's afterPropertiesSet or a custom init-method). The bean will already be populated with property values. The returned bean instance may be a wrapper around the original.

Specified by:
postProcessBeforeInitialization in interface BeanPostProcessor
bean - the new bean instance
beanName - the name of the bean
the bean instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one
See Also:


public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean,
                                             String beanName)
                                      throws BeansException
Create a proxy with the configured interceptors if the bean is identified as one to proxy by the subclass.

Specified by:
postProcessAfterInitialization in interface BeanPostProcessor
bean - the new bean instance
beanName - the name of the bean
the bean instance to use, either the original or a wrapped one
BeansException - in case of errors
See Also:
getAdvicesAndAdvisorsForBean(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, org.springframework.aop.TargetSource)


protected boolean isInfrastructureClass(Class beanClass,
                                        String beanName)
Return whether the given bean class and bean name represents an infrastructure class that should never be proxied.

Default implementation considers Advisors, MethodInterceptors and AbstractAutoProxyCreators as infrastructure classes, and consults the shouldSkip method.

beanClass - the class of the bean
beanName - the name of the bean
whether the bean represents an infrastructure class
See Also:
Advisor, MethodInterceptor, shouldSkip(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String)


protected boolean shouldSkip(Class beanClass,
                             String beanName)
Subclasses should override this method to return true if this bean should not be considered for auto-proxying by this post processor. Sometimes we need to be able to avoid this happening if it will lead to a circular reference. This implementation returns false.

beanClass - the class of the bean
beanName - the name of the bean


protected TargetSource getCustomTargetSource(Class beanClass,
                                             String beanName)
Create a target source for bean instances. Uses any TargetSourceCreators if set. Returns null if no Custom TargetSource should be used.

This implementation uses the "customTargetSourceCreators" property. Subclasses can override this method to use a different mechanism.

beanClass - the class of the bean to create a TargetSource for
beanName - the name of the bean
a TargetSource for this bean
See Also:


protected Object createProxy(Class beanClass,
                             String beanName,
                             Object[] specificInterceptors,
                             TargetSource targetSource)
Create an AOP proxy for the given bean.

beanClass - the class of the bean
beanName - the name of the bean
specificInterceptors - the set of interceptors that is specific to this bean (may be empty, but not null)
targetSource - the TargetSource for the proxy, already pre-configured to access the bean
the AOP proxy for the bean


protected void customizeProxyFactory(ProxyFactory proxyFactory)
Subclasses may choose to implement this: for example, to change the interfaces exposed.

Default implementation is emty.

proxyFactory - ProxyFactory that is already configured with TargetSource and interfaces and will be used to create the proxy immediably after this method returns


protected abstract Object[] getAdvicesAndAdvisorsForBean(Class beanClass,
                                                         String beanName,
                                                         TargetSource customTargetSource)
                                                  throws BeansException
Return whether the given bean is to be proxied, what additional advices (e.g. AOP Alliance interceptors) and advisors to apply.

The previous name of this method was "getInterceptorAndAdvisorForBean". It has been renamed in the course of general terminology clarification in Spring 1.1. An AOP Alliance Interceptor is just a special form of Advice, so the generic Advice term is preferred now.

The third parameter, customTargetSource, is new in Spring 1.1; add it to existing implementations of this method.

beanClass - the class of the bean to advise
beanName - the name of the bean
customTargetSource - targetSource returned by getTargetSource() method: may be ignored. Will be null unless a custom target source is in use.
an array of additional interceptors for the particular bean; or an empty array if no additional interceptors but just the common ones; or null if no proxy at all, not even with the common interceptors. See constants DO_NOT_PROXY and PROXY_WITHOUT_ADDITIONAL_INTERCEPTORS.
BeansException - in case of errors
See Also:
postProcessAfterInitialization(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String), DO_NOT_PROXY, PROXY_WITHOUT_ADDITIONAL_INTERCEPTORS

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