Uses of Interface

Packages that use SortDefinition Classes supporting the org.springframework.beans package, such as utility classes for sorting and holding lists of beans. 

Uses of SortDefinition in

Classes in that implement SortDefinition
 class MutableSortDefinition
          Mutable implementation of SortDefinition.

Methods in that return SortDefinition
protected  SortDefinition PagedListHolder.copySortDefinition(SortDefinition sort)
          Create a deep copy of the given sort definition, for use as state holder to compare a modified sort definition against.
 SortDefinition PagedListHolder.getSort()
          Return the sort definition for this holder.
 SortDefinition PropertyComparator.getSortDefinition()
          Return the SortDefinition that this comparator uses.

Methods in with parameters of type SortDefinition
protected  SortDefinition PagedListHolder.copySortDefinition(SortDefinition sort)
          Create a deep copy of the given sort definition, for use as state holder to compare a modified sort definition against.
protected  void PagedListHolder.doSort(List source, SortDefinition sort)
          Actually perform sorting of the given source list, according to the given sort definition.
 void PagedListHolder.setSort(SortDefinition sort)
          Set the sort definition for this holder.
static void PropertyComparator.sort(List source, SortDefinition sortDefinition)
          Sort the given List according to the given sort definition.
static void PropertyComparator.sort(Object[] source, SortDefinition sortDefinition)
          Sort the given source according to the given sort definition.

Constructors in with parameters of type SortDefinition
MutableSortDefinition(SortDefinition source)
          Copy constructor: create a new MutableSortDefinition that mirrors the given sort definition.
PagedListHolder(List source, SortDefinition sort)
          Create a new holder instance with the given source list.
PropertyComparator(SortDefinition sortDefinition)
          Create a new PropertyComparator for the given SortDefinition.

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