Class ApplicationObjectSupport

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ApplicationObjectSupport
extends Object
implements ApplicationContextAware

Convenient superclass for application objects that want to be aware of the application context, e.g. for custom lookup of collaborating beans or for context-specific resource access. It saves the application context reference and provides an initialization callback method. Furthermore, it offers numerous convenience methods for message lookup.

There is no requirement to subclass this class: It just makes things a little easier if you need access to the context, e.g. for access to file resources or to the message source. Note that many application objects do not need to be aware of the application context at all, as they can receive collaborating beans via bean references.

Many framework classes are derived from this class, particularly within the web support.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:

Field Summary
protected  org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
          Logger that is available to subclasses
Constructor Summary
          Constructor for bean usage via subclassing.
Method Summary
 ApplicationContext getApplicationContext()
          Return the ApplicationContext instance used by this object.
protected  MessageSourceAccessor getMessageSourceAccessor()
          Return a MessageSourceAccessor for the application context used by this object, for easy message access.
protected  void initApplicationContext()
          Subclasses can override this for custom initialization behavior.
protected  boolean isContextRequired()
          Determine whether this application object needs to run in an ApplicationContext.
protected  Class requiredContextClass()
          Determine the context class that any context passed to setApplicationContext must be an instance of.
 void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context)
          Set the ApplicationContext that this object runs in.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
Logger that is available to subclasses

Constructor Detail


public ApplicationObjectSupport()
Constructor for bean usage via subclassing.

Method Detail


public final void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context)
                                 throws BeansException
Description copied from interface: ApplicationContextAware
Set the ApplicationContext that this object runs in. Normally this call will be used to initialize the object.

Invoked after population of normal bean properties but before an init callback like InitializingBean's afterPropertiesSet or a custom init-method. Invoked after ResourceLoaderAware's setResourceLoader.

Specified by:
setApplicationContext in interface ApplicationContextAware
context - ApplicationContext object to be used by this object
ApplicationContextException - in case of applicationContext initialization errors
BeansException - if thrown by application applicationContext methods
See Also:


protected boolean isContextRequired()
Determine whether this application object needs to run in an ApplicationContext.

Default is "false". Can be overridden to enforce running in a context (i.e. to throw IllegalStateException on accessors if outside a context).

See Also:
getApplicationContext(), getMessageSourceAccessor()


protected Class requiredContextClass()
Determine the context class that any context passed to setApplicationContext must be an instance of. Can be overridden in subclasses.

See Also:


protected void initApplicationContext()
                               throws BeansException
Subclasses can override this for custom initialization behavior. Gets called by setApplicationContext after setting the context instance.

Note: Does not get called on reinitialization of the context but rather just on first initialization of this object's context reference.

ApplicationContextException - in case of initialization errors
BeansException - if thrown by ApplicationContext methods
See Also:


public final ApplicationContext getApplicationContext()
                                               throws IllegalStateException
Return the ApplicationContext instance used by this object.



protected final MessageSourceAccessor getMessageSourceAccessor()
                                                        throws IllegalStateException
Return a MessageSourceAccessor for the application context used by this object, for easy message access.

IllegalStateException - if not running in an ApplicationContext

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