Class CciTemplate

  extended by org.springframework.jca.cci.core.CciTemplate
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CciTemplate
extends Object
implements CciOperations

This is the central class in the CCI core package. It simplifies the use of CCI and helps to avoid common errors. It executes core CCI workflow, leaving application code to provide parameters to CCI and extract results. This class executes EIS queries or updates, catching ResourceExceptions and translating them to the generic exception hierarchy defined in the org.springframework.dao package.

Code using this class can pass in and receive CCI Record instances, or alternatively implement callback interfaces for creating input Records and extracting result objects from output Records (or CCI ResultSets).

Can be used within a service implementation via direct instantiation with a ConnectionFactory reference, or get prepared in an application context and given to services as bean reference. Note: The ConnectionFactory should always be configured as a bean in the application context, in the first case given to the service directly, in the second case to the prepared template.

Thierry Templier, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
RecordCreator, RecordExtractor, org.springframework.dao, org.springframework.jca.cci.connection, org.springframework.jca.cci.object

Constructor Summary
          Construct a new CciTemplate for bean usage.
CciTemplate(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
          Construct a new CciTemplate, given a ConnectionFactory to obtain connections from.
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
          Eagerly initialize the exception translator, creating a default one for the specified ConnectionFactory if none set.
 IndexedRecord createIndexedRecord(String name)
          Create an indexed Record through the ConnectionFactory's RecordFactory.
 MappedRecord createMappedRecord(String name)
          Create a mapped Record from the ConnectionFactory's RecordFactory.
protected  Record createRecord(RecordCreator recordCreator)
          Invoke the given RecordCreator, converting JCA ResourceExceptions to Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy.
protected  Object doExecute(InteractionSpec spec, Record inputRecord, Record outputRecord, RecordExtractor outputExtractor)
          Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.
 Object execute(ConnectionCallback action)
          Execute a request on an EIS with CCI, implemented as callback action working on a CCI Connection.
 Object execute(InteractionCallback action)
          Execute a request on an EIS with CCI, implemented as callback action working on a CCI Interaction.
 Record execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record inputRecord)
          Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.
 Record execute(InteractionSpec spec, RecordCreator inputCreator)
          Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.
 Object execute(InteractionSpec spec, RecordCreator inputCreator, RecordExtractor outputExtractor)
          Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.
 void execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record inputRecord, Record outputRecord)
          Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.
 Object execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record inputRecord, RecordExtractor outputExtractor)
          Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.
 ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
          Return the CCI ConnectionFactory used by this template.
 RecordCreator getOutputRecordCreator()
          Return a RecordCreator that should be used for creating default output Records.
protected  RecordFactory getRecordFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
          Return a RecordFactory for the given ConnectionFactory.
 void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
          Set the CCI ConnectionFactory to obtain connections from.
 void setOutputRecordCreator(RecordCreator creator)
          Set a RecordCreator that should be used for creating default output Records.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CciTemplate()
Construct a new CciTemplate for bean usage. Note: The ConnectionFactory has to be set before using the instance. This constructor can be used to prepare a CciTemplate via a BeanFactory, typically setting the ConnectionFactory via setConnectionFactory.

See Also:


public CciTemplate(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
Construct a new CciTemplate, given a ConnectionFactory to obtain connections from. Note: This will trigger eager initialization of the exception translator.

connectionFactory - JCA ConnectionFactory to obtain connections from
Method Detail


public void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
Set the CCI ConnectionFactory to obtain connections from.


public ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
Return the CCI ConnectionFactory used by this template.


public void setOutputRecordCreator(RecordCreator creator)
Set a RecordCreator that should be used for creating default output Records.

Default is none: When no explicit output Record gets passed into an execute method, CCI's Interaction.execute variant that returns an output Record will be called.

Specify a RecordCreator here if you always need to call CCI's Interaction.execute variant with a passed-in output Record. Unless there is an explicitly specified output Record, CciTemplate will then invoke this RecordCreator to create a default output Record instance.

See Also:
Interaction.execute(javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec, Record), Interaction.execute(javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec, Record, Record)


public RecordCreator getOutputRecordCreator()
Return a RecordCreator that should be used for creating default output Records.


public void afterPropertiesSet()
Eagerly initialize the exception translator, creating a default one for the specified ConnectionFactory if none set.


public Object execute(ConnectionCallback action)
               throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: CciOperations
Execute a request on an EIS with CCI, implemented as callback action working on a CCI Connection. This allows for implementing arbitrary data access operations, within Spring's managed CCI environment: that is, participating in Spring-managed transactions and converting JCA ResourceExceptions into Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy.

The callback action can return a result object, for example a domain object or a collection of domain objects.

Specified by:
execute in interface CciOperations
action - the callback object that specifies the action
the result object returned by the action, if any
DataAccessException - if there is any problem


public Object execute(InteractionCallback action)
               throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: CciOperations
Execute a request on an EIS with CCI, implemented as callback action working on a CCI Interaction. This allows for implementing arbitrary data access operations on a single Interaction, within Spring's managed CCI environment: that is, participating in Spring-managed transactions and converting JCA ResourceExceptions into Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy.

The callback action can return a result object, for example a domain object or a collection of domain objects.

Specified by:
execute in interface CciOperations
action - the callback object that specifies the action
the result object returned by the action, if any
DataAccessException - if there is any problem


public Record execute(InteractionSpec spec,
                      Record inputRecord)
               throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: CciOperations
Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.

Specified by:
execute in interface CciOperations
spec - the CCI InteractionSpec instance that defines the interaction (connector-specific)
inputRecord - the input record
the output record
DataAccessException - if there is any problem


public void execute(InteractionSpec spec,
                    Record inputRecord,
                    Record outputRecord)
             throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: CciOperations
Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.

Specified by:
execute in interface CciOperations
spec - the CCI InteractionSpec instance that defines the interaction (connector-specific)
inputRecord - the input record
outputRecord - the output record
DataAccessException - if there is any problem


public Record execute(InteractionSpec spec,
                      RecordCreator inputCreator)
               throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: CciOperations
Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.

Specified by:
execute in interface CciOperations
spec - the CCI InteractionSpec instance that defines the interaction (connector-specific)
inputCreator - object that creates the input record to use
the output record
DataAccessException - if there is any problem


public Object execute(InteractionSpec spec,
                      Record inputRecord,
                      RecordExtractor outputExtractor)
               throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: CciOperations
Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.

Specified by:
execute in interface CciOperations
spec - the CCI InteractionSpec instance that defines the interaction (connector-specific)
inputRecord - the input record
outputExtractor - object to convert the output record to a result object
the output data extracted with the RecordExtractor object
DataAccessException - if there is any problem


public Object execute(InteractionSpec spec,
                      RecordCreator inputCreator,
                      RecordExtractor outputExtractor)
               throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: CciOperations
Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI.

Specified by:
execute in interface CciOperations
spec - the CCI InteractionSpec instance that defines the interaction (connector-specific)
inputCreator - object that creates the input record to use
outputExtractor - object to convert the output record to a result object
the output data extracted with the RecordExtractor object
DataAccessException - if there is any problem


protected Object doExecute(InteractionSpec spec,
                           Record inputRecord,
                           Record outputRecord,
                           RecordExtractor outputExtractor)
                    throws DataAccessException
Execute the specified interaction on an EIS with CCI. All other interaction execution methods go through this.

spec - the CCI InteractionSpec instance that defines the interaction (connector-specific)
inputRecord - the input record
outputRecord - output record (can be null)
outputExtractor - object to convert the output record to a result object
the output data extracted with the RecordExtractor object
DataAccessException - if there is any problem


public IndexedRecord createIndexedRecord(String name)
                                  throws DataAccessException
Create an indexed Record through the ConnectionFactory's RecordFactory.

name - the name of the record
the Record
DataAccessException - if creation of the Record failed
See Also:
getRecordFactory(javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory), RecordFactory.createIndexedRecord(String)


public MappedRecord createMappedRecord(String name)
                                throws DataAccessException
Create a mapped Record from the ConnectionFactory's RecordFactory.

name - record name
the Record
DataAccessException - if creation of the Record failed
See Also:
getRecordFactory(javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory), RecordFactory.createMappedRecord(String)


protected Record createRecord(RecordCreator recordCreator)
                       throws DataAccessException
Invoke the given RecordCreator, converting JCA ResourceExceptions to Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy.

recordCreator - the RecordCreator to invoke
the created Record
DataAccessException - if creation of the Record failed
See Also:
getRecordFactory(javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory), RecordCreator.createRecord(javax.resource.cci.RecordFactory)


protected RecordFactory getRecordFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
                                  throws ResourceException
Return a RecordFactory for the given ConnectionFactory.

Default implementation returns the connector's RecordFactory if available, falling back to a NotSupportedRecordFactory placeholder. This allows to invoke a RecordCreator callback with a non-null RecordFactory reference in any case.

connectionFactory - the CCI ConnectionFactory
the CCI RecordFactory for the ConnectionFactory
ResourceException - if thrown by CCI methods
See Also:

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