Class SingleConnectionFactory102

  extended by org.springframework.jms.connection.SingleConnectionFactory
      extended by org.springframework.jms.connection.SingleConnectionFactory102
All Implemented Interfaces:
ConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory, DisposableBean, InitializingBean

public class SingleConnectionFactory102
extends SingleConnectionFactory

A subclass of SingleConnectionFactory that uses the JMS 1.0.2 specification, rather than the JMS 1.1 methods used by SingleConnectionFactory itself. This class can be used for JMS 1.0.2 providers, offering the same API as SingleConnectionFactory does for JMS 1.1 providers.

You need to set the "pubSubDomain" property accordingly, as this class will always create either a QueueConnection or a TopicConnection.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
SingleConnectionFactory.setTargetConnectionFactory(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory), setPubSubDomain(boolean)

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.jms.connection.SingleConnectionFactory
Constructor Summary
          Create a new SingleConnectionFactory102 for bean-style usage.
SingleConnectionFactory102(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean pubSubDomain)
          Create a new SingleConnectionFactory102 that always returns a single Connection that it will lazily create via the given target ConnectionFactory.
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
          In addition to checking if the connection factory is set, make sure that the supplied connection factory is of the appropriate type for the specified destination type: QueueConnectionFactory for queues, and TopicConnectionFactory for topics.
protected  Connection doCreateConnection()
          This implementation overrides the superclass method to use JMS 1.0.2 API.
 boolean isPubSubDomain()
          Return whether the Publish/Subscribe domain (Topics) is used.
 void setPubSubDomain(boolean pubSubDomain)
          Configure the factory with knowledge of the JMS domain used.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.jms.connection.SingleConnectionFactory
createConnection, createConnection, createQueueConnection, createQueueConnection, createTopicConnection, createTopicConnection, destroy, getCloseSuppressingConnectionProxy, getTargetConnectionFactory, init, setTargetConnectionFactory
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SingleConnectionFactory102()
Create a new SingleConnectionFactory102 for bean-style usage.


public SingleConnectionFactory102(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
                                  boolean pubSubDomain)
Create a new SingleConnectionFactory102 that always returns a single Connection that it will lazily create via the given target ConnectionFactory.

connectionFactory - the target ConnectionFactory
pubSubDomain - whether the Publish/Subscribe domain (Topics) or Point-to-Point domain (Queues) should be used
Method Detail


public void setPubSubDomain(boolean pubSubDomain)
Configure the factory with knowledge of the JMS domain used. This tells the JMS 1.0.2 provider which class hierarchy to use for creating Connections. Default is Point-to-Point (Queues).

pubSubDomain - true for Publish/Subscribe domain (Topics), false for Point-to-Point domain (Queues)


public boolean isPubSubDomain()
Return whether the Publish/Subscribe domain (Topics) is used. Otherwise, the Point-to-Point domain (Queues) is used.


public void afterPropertiesSet()
In addition to checking if the connection factory is set, make sure that the supplied connection factory is of the appropriate type for the specified destination type: QueueConnectionFactory for queues, and TopicConnectionFactory for topics.

Specified by:
afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean
afterPropertiesSet in class SingleConnectionFactory


protected Connection doCreateConnection()
                                 throws JMSException
This implementation overrides the superclass method to use JMS 1.0.2 API.

doCreateConnection in class SingleConnectionFactory
the new JMS Connection
JMSException - if thrown by JMS API methods

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