
Contains support classes for connecting to local and remote MBeanServers and for exposing an MBeanServer to remote clients.


Class Summary
ConnectorServerFactoryBean FactoryBean that creates a JSR-160 JMXConnectorServer, optionally registers it with the MBeanServer and then starts it.
JmxUtils Collection of generic utility methods to support Spring JMX.
MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean FactoryBean implementation that creates an MBeanServerConnection to a remote MBeanServer exposed via a JMXServerConnector.
MBeanServerFactoryBean FactoryBean that obtains an MBeanServer instance through the standard JMX 1.2 MBeanServerFactory API (which is available on JDK 1.5 or as part of a JMX 1.2 provider).
ObjectNameManager Wraps the creation of ObjectName instances.
WebLogicJndiMBeanServerFactoryBean FactoryBean that obtains the WebLogic MBeanServer instance through a WebLogic MBeanHome obtained via a JNDI lookup.
WebLogicMBeanServerFactoryBean FactoryBean that obtains a specified WebLogic MBeanServer instance through WebLogic's proprietary Helper / MBeanHome API, which is available on WebLogic 6.1 and higher.

Exception Summary
ConnectorServerFactoryBean.DelayedConnectorStartException Exception to be thrown if the JMX connector server cannot be started (in a concurrent thread).

Package Description

Contains support classes for connecting to local and remote MBeanServers and for exposing an MBeanServer to remote clients.

Copyright (c) 2002-2005 The Spring Framework Project.